transunion credit report error

transunion credit report error

transunion credit report error


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Will a seat belt violation affect my insurance rates?

A cop pulled me over for speeding, but I started crying and instead of giving me a speeding ticket, he gave me a $25 ticket for a seat belt violation . I was wearing my seat belt, I guess he just made that up to give me the smallest violation. I am 18 and have never had any tickets or anything before. I have Geico insurance and my car is registered under my parents' name. My question is... will this affect my insurance rates, and is there any way my parents can find out? Assuming I pay it on time?



I crashed my car, and Got a DUI. Will my insurance pay for repairs?

I crashed my car into a tree, and got an OWI (more commonly known as a DUI in most states) My insurance (USAA) will request a police report, i know that much. But I want to know if they are obligated to pay for repairs, regardless of the circumstances? Yes, i know my rates are going up. Yes, I know about SR22. hanks



17 yr old in uk, looking for any tips to get cheaper car insurance.?

looking for helpful tips to legally lower the price of my car insurance ie what company to go with, whether i should put my mum on my policy etc.



Car insurance?

Are there any cars which are very cheap to insure? I have at several but insurance is still quite high, how do i know which will be lower than others?



In CA, would my mom's car insurance cover my car?

I live with my mom in California and we both have cars. I just bought mine recently under both mine and my mother's name but do no have it insured. My mom does have insurance though. I got in a little fender bender a couple days ago but when the report got filed, I got a citation for not having my own car insured. What I mean to ask here is, if my mom has car insurance and my car is under her name as well, would her insurance cover me, therefore leaving the citation void?



Cheapest and reliable car insurace company?

how has the lowest quote out under normal circumstances? i know they categorize it based on age,sex, etc. just tell me who has the cheapest it really GEICO?



Insurance? for laptop without getting home insurance?

I'm worried my brother hasn't as of yet insured his expensive laptop. What would work out more economical in the long run please: Content insurance but as a student he keeps moving, so all he wants to insure is his Laptop,mobile and passport both when it's in the house but also when traveling in the UK and abroad? (some policies like Barclays Gadget insurance make it almost impossible to make a claim ie: you can only claim if there's been a forced entry or if the Sim card is still in the phone whilst traveling. Well he lives with 8 other students and the landlord doesn't provide home isnurance in the contract, people are comming in and out of the house any one could take it from his room and the landlord won't allow him to put a lock on the door. If he's traveling abroad he will use a different SIM so... If he buys yearly travel insurance most only cover a single item up to 400, his laptop is an Applemac. Which would cover an expensive item without charging a monthyly fee above 10 per month? Stupid question but is it possible to jsut get content insurance for one room instead of Home insurance? Gadget Insurances seem pretty expensive and a lot of them don't cover the full spectrum of problems, stolen laptop whilst unattended in a hotel, lost, accidental damage even if the item is over a year, Thoughtbubble never even replied to his email enquiry. Bank insurance, they are limited and have similar policies such as above. Natwest have the advantage Gold and home contents insurance but it works out at 12 per month and his iphone won't be covered as phones have to be under 100. I don't have home insurance so he can't use ours. Please what else could he consider and no he's not giving back the gadgets and he is very careful but anything can happen. Would help to get some proper advice as even his bank Halifax didn't cheers



Has anyone used Young Driver Insurance ? With CO OP?

Im searching for cheap car Insurance, I came across CO OP Young Car Insurance, Been Quote 1700 with my 1 years no claims and been driving for 4 years. Without CO OP insurance confused website I did the same search was quoted 2500. Has anyone had CO OP young Insurance can you tell me the Pros and Cons of this Insurance Company, Also if I was driving at 35MPH in a 30zone would I banned from the Insurance company.



Fronting? - UK Car Insurance?

Hi, Could anyone give a proper definition of fronting regarding car insurance in the UK? For example, who goes under the heading of a fronter? In which cases would it be illegal to go under a more experienced driver's insurance policy? I understand why a 17 year old who just got their driving licence wouldn't be allowed to hide behind their parents' 20 years of No Claims, but would a 25 year old be able to go on their parents' policy? I've tried looking at the insurers' websites but they'll happily give a quote for anything, even if it's illegal, without saying so, so I can never be sure if it's wrong or not Thanks :)



Can you change health insurance before surgery?

I have an Anthem individual health plan. It's kind of expensive but I haven't been working and really wanted to have health insurance. I just started a full-time job that offers health insurance benefits. They offer Anthem insurance similar to what I already have just at a much cheaper cost to me but I'll probably have to get a new policy number. I'm having breast reduction the 2nd week of August and I've already received approval from my insurance company for them to pay. However I want to get insurance with my job but I only have 30 days from the start of employment to enroll in their plan. I'll be calling Anthem next week to see how this will affect my surgery but what do you all think? Is it possible to change policies before a surgery that's already been approved? I don't want to miss the open enrollment with my company but I also don't want to risk having to cancel my surgery. Thanks!



Insurance rate after a crash?

Today, I accidentally rear ended a car. I'm 17. How long will my insurance rates stay up?



If your 18 how much do u pay for your car insurance?

If your 18 how much do u pay for your car insurance?



Finding Affordable Health Insurance Quotes online?

Whats a good site for getting lots of quotes at once?



K what insurance is the best?

car insurance. ?



Teen Car Insurance after one accident?

How much would my insurance premium rise for a 17 year old boy if I get into an accident (at-fault)? A good average (+X%) answer would be good.



What to do when rental car got damaged and I dont have insurance?

I rented a car from Enterprise and declined their insurance. I had credit card insurance. However I made a blunder of not initiating the rental in that credit card. While driving the rental car the tire blew out and the car hit the median and there is some extensive damage to the car. I am in deep trouble now as my credit car insurance will not work as I didnt initiate the car rental in that card. Is there any way that I can salvage this situation? Please help!!



Insurance Question??

Can you get insurance if you have a salvage title????



On average, what does it cost to add a teen to your auto insurance?

On average, what does it cost to add a teen to your auto insurance?



How much would insurance be for me?

I'm 16 and I've had my license for about seven months now. We've had financial problems so we've held off getting insurance. But, now we have a situation where I would need to drive the spare car to and from school. (I would only be driving a total of 16 times, 32 if you count round trips) It's a Hyundai 2010 Elantra, but I may also be driving the 2012 Mercedes C250. Would it be more affordable if I were to go under my mom's insurance? Possibly my father's? My parents are divorced. My main guardian is my mother, but my father only has had one car incident while my mom has had several. All, however, have been minor. And, separate question, but is it possible to only get insurance for a month? If so, I think I would be able to pay for it myself, but if not, I would need a fairly cheap insurance policy.



How can I find affordable health insurance for small business owners?

How can I find affordable health insurance for small business owners?



Car insurance question no claims bonus?

so, i went onto the website with the annoying singing fat man, got a reasonable quote for my classic car, declared all cars in my household, one of which is a company car with 2 years NCB. Paid the deposit and remainder was to be paid monthly by direct debit. After a couple of weeks now they've written to me wanting proof of the NCB I stated, wanting details of the previous insurance and policy number. So, I email them (as they stated in the letter that this would be the quickest way to resolve and avoid having my policy cancelled) saying the NCB was on company insurance rather than another private insurance which i think they assume I have (the option on NCB on the website included NCB on company cars), no response to my email, so I send another, now I've had a red coloured letter threatening cancellation of my insurance unless I provide the information. Tried phoning and it's either constantly engaged or answer phone. Emailed for a third and final time and put a copy of the email in the post with no response. I feel I have been totally mislead by assuming I have NCB on my company car policy, so, should they decide to cancel my policy can I get my deposit and 1st month's payment back? Citizens advice has told me that the policy was misleading and was not as described so I should be due a refund but how can I expect to get this if I cannot contact them? HELP and advice please!



Antique Car Insurance Question?

I own a toyota Camry as my primary vechiale if i am buying a 1983 Dodge ram would that be considered an antique car? if it would is there anything special i would have to do with that car? and how much would i expect to pay per year on insurance? (Pennsylvannia)



Will getting a speeding ticket affect my insurance rate?

I was going 71 in a 55 zone which is 16 over. I am 18 and still on my parents insurance and want to know if and how much my insurance rate will go up and if there is anything I can do. I got the ticket yesterday and haven't told them yet. I really want to just pay it and get over with it but if my insurance goes up I am looking at a whole other problem! Thanks for all your help in advance.



No insurance for high school sport?

What happens if you don't have health insurance and you wanna try out for a team? Will they disqualify you from even making the team because of it?



How much is motorcycle insurance in BC Canada?

I am thinking of getting a motorcycle when im 16 and get my Learners. how much would insurance cost? I live near vancouver BC


transunion credit report error

transunion credit report error


How much will an affordable health insurance plan cost for a family of 5?

How much will an affordable health insurance plan cost for a family of 5?



Good Driver Insurance Discount?

Okay, so this is the deal. I have a 3.3 G.P.A. Not bad, right? Well, for one of my classes I actually have an F in for ONE of my Spring 2011 classes. Although I can get the discount, my parents keep hounding me for my transcript and I don't want them to see that F or I'm screwed. Can I still get the discount if I send the car insurance company my trancript from the previous semesters and not my most recent one?



How many people work in the health insurance industry?

* I need statistics & numbers doing a paper on health insurance



Car insurance ?? 10 PTS please help?

My mum bought a car and as a good son I said I'd pay for the insurance if I got to be the additional driver .. now can I put my mother's details down on the insurance form and Il just be an additional driver and as an additional driver am I covered for her car ? And CAN I PAY THE INSURANCE WITH MY BANK CARD ?? please help



Car insurance for a person, not a car?

haha if that makes any sense. my friend was telling me about how her friend is insured as a she can drive say her moms car, her friends car, and her boyfriends car. she doesn't have a car of her own so she got insurance to drive other peoples cars? can you do that? if so, what company offers that sort of coverage? thanks



Where can I get pit bull insurance in Ohio??? What does it cost??

Where can I get pit bull insurance in Ohio??? What does it cost??



Do I 1st need car insurance to take license test or does the car I use for the test just need to be insured?

P.S. My dad says he has researched and told me in order to get my license, I needs car insurance for myself, not including my dads insured car I would use for the test . I have been searching the web, and found nothing to prove either one of us right. I know I need insurance after I receive my license but is it a requirement when I take the test?



Will getting a ticket affect my dad's insurance?

So I was driving my dad's car and I made an illegal uturn at an intersection and got a ticket for it. The car is owned by my dad and it's under his insurance. Will this affect him in any way? If I don't pay the ticket, will it affect my credit or his or does it even affect the credit? I live in Vancouver, BC.



Short term car insurance in US?

I am an Indian Resident and will be travelling to US for a period of 1-2 months. Am getting a good offer on a car rental but the insurance cost is very high (almost $20/day). Is there any way to get short term car insurance in US to cover a rental car for a period of 1-2 Months and pay around $150-$200/Month?



Cheap auto insurance? Where is a good place to get cheap auto insurance?

Where is a good place to get cheap auto insurance? Im a 22 y/o that lives in CA. I need full coverage (liability, collission and comprehensive) on my 2003 Honda Civic. My driving record isnt too bad.



Why are big company's going to drop health insurance and just pay the government a fee to save money?

obama said we would be able to the same insurance. did obama lie to us?



How much would my insurance be?

Hi, I'm a 17 year old female and just passed my driving test. My parents are successful, therefore they're giving me their 2011 Ford Galaxy 2.3 Ghia with a supercharged fitted on it. I was wondering how much the insurance would be? Do they consider the speed of the car? Thanks.



What is a good low cost health insurance plan for my family?

I am 27 and my wife is 26. I am currently a full time college student and my wife is bartending until I finish school. We have no kids but also not a lot of money. I don't mind more



Cheapest cars to insure for a teen?

I am saving up for my first car and was wondering what would be some cheap options for insurance. I already know that toyota camry's and ford tauruses are pretty cheap to insure, but I want to know some more cheap-to insure cars were. preferably between 1996 and 2002.



I want to buy a Mazda RX8 with 69xxxx miles. is it a good car and how much does insurance cost for these cars?

How come i don't see many of these cars around?



How much is average insurance for someone under 18 that buys a 2006 BMW 325i e90?

This is one of my favourite e90 cars, that's a 4-door, if I'm under 18, how much would insurance be? OR even better, how much is YOUR insurance?



Question on best company for classic/historic car insurance?

Our family has had State Farm for 70 years now, several generations, and in the last 10 years or so we have been progressively more & more disappointed in their caring and customer service. Maybe its just the 'assistants' that my local SF agent (who never talks to his clients any more) use, they both seem to have just horrible attitutudes, sarcastic, and act like you are a complete PITA every time you call. I even have an email from his main assistant that I asked her to forward to the actual agent because I was told he was the only one that could answer my question, and just today I was SHOCKED when I re-read the email, and saw in the forward of my email when his assistant sent it on to the actual SF agent, She said This guy will just not give up, he keeps haunting me about this issue! I couldn't freaking believe it. I was going to forward the email to SF headquarters in Bloomington IL, but then as I read more & more about state farm I saw they are completely independent agents in each office, and have literally NO ONE who is their boss or who can reprimand or correct them. This is unbelievable. If I treated my customers at my work place & gave them the rotten attitude treatment we get from our SF office here, I guarantee you I would lose my job. No one is in charge at state farm obviously. Back to my question - I recently bought a classic car I have been looking for a long time - getting it next week - it is 25 yrs old, all original & in perfect shape. My state (Maryland) lets me register the car as Historic if it is 20 yrs old or more. I plan to do this. I contacted my wonderful state farm office today, to get a quote on a new policy/binder for this collectors car. They apparently don't like insuring a vehicle as Historic, maybe the policy is too cheap & they do not make any money off it. The 'assistant' said the best they can do, even if I REGISTER this vehicle in Maryland as Historic & get an Historic tag, which I will do, she said the best she can do is insure it as part time, occasional pleasure use, under 7500 miles a year . Which of course is NOT an historic policy. You can get that on ANY extra car you have in your household even if it is a 2011 model !! She did say (and I understand this being required) that in order to have is classified as Antique/Classic/Historic, you have to have an appraisal done on the vehicle as if it just came off the show room floor -then the premiums would be much lower if you had full coverage on it, as historic/classic . So here we stand. Can someone out there please help me understand - am I being taken for a ride by my State Farm office? Should I shop around for insurance companies that just specialize in Classic/Historic auto insurance? If so can anyone recommend the best companies that specialize in reasonable insurance for classic/historic vehicles? Thanks for your help. .



If I get an insurance quote from a price comparison site, am I guaranteed the cheapest price?

Is there likely to be hidden costs?



What happens if lie to your car insurance company?

So i dented my mother's car by hitting another car. i told my mother it was a hit and run and she told me she was going to have the insurance company take care of it. The dent on the car wasn't that bad but it was pretty noticeable but the car that i hit didn't have any dents, just a few scratches .So the owner of car came out and took a look at her car and she said don't worry about it and thats when she let me go. I was pretty shocked of how she handle the situation. So can the car insurance find out if I'm was lying? i told them that a scooter hit it. The dent almost looks like somebody through a rock at it. The dent doesn't really look like i drove it into a car. its a really small dent with little cracks.



Is it true that I will have to buy health insurance or pay a fine?

I thought the whole purpose of the Affordable Care Act was to make healthcare available to everyone. Now I am being told that I have to buy it.



What company provides a life insurance quoting engine software to install in an insurance agency website?

I need a software where I can input one (or more) life insurance company rates. Preferably if I have the freedom to input any company and not pre-packaged ones. Thanks.



Do judges call in to verify your car insurance?

I was just curious if you are sent to court for driving without proof of insurance if the judge in court calls into the insurance to verify it. If it helps I live in Illinois. Just curious I'm trying to prove something to a friend.



What types of insurance are required in Minnesota?

I have a permit test in about an hour and I forgot what kinds of insurance are required in the state of Minnesota? There are 2 of them I think it's liability and no fault? Help please?



Online auto insurance?

Other than the general, Is there any good online auto insurance providers??



How can I convince my dad that leasing a cheap car would be a good decision given my circumstances?

Ok. So I'm about to be 18 and have about $1,400 saved up towards a car, should be getting a few hundred more after graduation and from a few other things, so I expect to have around $2,000 in the summer. This is what I was planning on spending on a down payment on a cheap used car. For the monthly note and insurance, my parents said that they'll help at least some until I get a job. The thing is, it's seriously impossible to get a job in my town. I've been trying for a couple years and just nothing. Most other people I know - not just teenagers - are having the same problem. Because of this, my parents are worried that having to pay for so much and me pay for basically just the down payment would be too much on them. They're struggling very hard financially and haven't bought a car themselves in 13 years. So I was looking at some car websites the other day and noticed that some of them had really appealing lease deals. The ones that most caught my attention were $0 down, and then a monthly payment of around $200 or less per month for three years. What really interested me about that deal is the no down payment, because if there's no down payment and they pay for the monthly note, then that's the only thing they have to pay, at least for quite a while. That leaves me with around $2,000 still in pocket to spend over time on insurance, gas, various maintenance costs, etc., plus if there are too many hidden fees, etc. in the lease. (My dad got me an insurance quote and it was a lot lower than I expected btw, about $560/yr.) That seems so much better than having to start back at $0 after buying the car having paid all the rest on the down payment. I just don't wanna spend that much down because then I'm left with nothing, if I can't get a job then I have no way to pay for everything, again my parents don't think they can pay too much. If they only have to pay the monthly note, then I still have quite a while to get a job and start making money before that couple thousand runs out and if I do eventually get a job (hopefully it'll be easier in another city, but I need a car in order to move), I can even help them with the monthly payments or pay all of them. But all they can say is, Why lease a car when you can buy one, you'll just be stuck in the same spot in three years. But this is completely missing the point. The problem here is that if I spend everything down, then I have nothing left to maintain the car with, and therefore can't have a car at all. I have no steady source of income and can't make a steady source of income without a car. But if I can afford to maintain a car for at least several months with money I already had and can later get a job in a bigger city, I at least have some car, regardless of whether not I own it or it's the best and wisest financial decision in the long run. Once I have a car I can move to a bigger city and hopefully go to college and then get a better job, I'm sure I can get another car later. So basically, if I want a car now (which I need one in order to advance my life and go to college and such) the only possible way is if I lease instead of buy, unless I suddenly come into a bunch of money or can find a car for sale with no down payment. I need to just do whatever I have to do to have a car and get by at the moment, but my parents won't let me. They're so stuck in their stubborn ways that leasing cars is always a waste of money (I agree that it'a a waste of money, but again that's not the point here, the point is that I need a car) when in this situation it would work much better for me. But they refuse to let me.


transunion credit report error

transunion credit report error


How much does one pay per year for auto-insurance for a small city car in the UK?

How much does one pay per year for auto-insurance for a small city car in the UK?



Will my dad's car insurance go up if I get my license?

I'm 19 and want to get my license without getting my dad's car insurance going up.



I will be 17 soon and i don't know the cheapest insurance for cars?

I am 17 in December and hoping to pass my test i would like a white car and did want to get A white ford focus Zetec but they are way to expensive for insurance, i would like a nice car as everyone is judged from where i am from i would also like it to be white. Does anyone know where i can get a good enough, white car? where i can afford the insurance? :) Thanks for your help in advance.



Do you need insurance in florida to drive with a learners permit? with a liscence?

In florida do teens need insurance to drive their parents cars with a learners permit? once you get a liscence can you drive their car without being included on the insurance as long as theyre in the car? the car has insurance im just not listed on the policy



Young Drivers Car Insurance?

My son is 17 in January and already owns a car, im looking for car insurance for him as a learner then obviously as a passed driver. Most comparisson sites wont search as he is not 17 at the moment. He insists that he does not want one with a box fitted to the car. Any ideas of companies that will give a reasonable quote would be appreciated.



Is paying around $300.00 a month total for driving my truck to much?

I pay about $50 for insurance and about $250 in gas. I have NO truck payment! So my total cost every month is around $300 total for EVERYTHING for me to drive! Is that a lot? or to much? Thanks!



Car insurance beginner.?

i am a 16 year old, good grades, i might get a Honda civic hatchback, does any one know where i am able to get a good insurance company and still pay low amounts in california



Now i know i need insurance?

but know what kind of insurance would i need because these are only 14 ft jhon boats




I am a male 17 years old G2 license car: toyota camry 1999 never had an accident part time driver i went to drivers school and obtained my certificate.



Cheapest insurance?

what is the cheapest car insurance in Hamilton Ontario Canada if i was 19 years old and i got the g2 3 moths ago?



Shipping insurance? ?

I am selling my ipod on ebay. It will probably sell around $175-$200. I want to offer shipping insurance. How much should I say it is? Is there an actual percent?



Where do i get health insurance if i am a student in school?

i am a student 22 years old. i need affordable health insurance. i have no job. i think i am going deaf and blind. where can i get insurance in washington state?



Where Do I Find Quotes For Non-Owners Auto Insurance?

I Need It Cheap, Fast, And In Denver,CO.!!!!!!!!!!!!



How much is Canadian (British Columbia) car insurance?

I am 21 years old and have had a licence in California since I was 18.



I got a ticket for no insurance in california?

well i told the officer that i had insurance on the car but the little proof of insurance card did not come in the mail yet so he gave me a ticket for that and he told me something about if i mail the proof of insurance to the court i guess i dont have to go to the court date or soemthing like that is that true by the way i checked the mail that same day i got the ticket and the proof arrived



Can you get car insurance and motorcycle insurance on the same policy?

I have insurance on my car but i havent had insurance on my bike for about a year. i was going to get with my car because i needed to renew my tags but they told me they dont cover motorcycle. i was wondering if there is a company that covers both?



Insurance says case is closed, is it really?

A little over a year ago, I was in a car wreck and due to financial responsibility laws I had to pay for the accident. (I had no insurance, of course, I've learned this lesson) Recently they've filed suit against me for more money that they didn't receive from the insurance company. I can't afford an attorney and was about to hire a bankruptcy lawyer for all of this, but I recently found out from the insurance company that the case is closed. It's also been over a year as of a couple days ago and due to Tennessee's Statute of Limitations they can't claim any more money. So my question, the insurance company says it's closed and even said the attorney settling with them has closed the case. I call the opposing attorney myself and of course they say they can't discuss the case with me, even though I'm just asking if the case still actually exists. They wont' give me a court date either so naturally, I'm a bit suspicious. Should I be ready to put this behind me, or do law offices do this sort of thing all the time? They were recently paid out $10,000 from the insurance company I'm making payments to. I really don't see where else they could find money given my situation. All answers are appreciated, thank you!



Insurance help! Tennessee?

My bf moved here from west virginia... he has to big health problems one life threatening... He needs cheap insurance but i dont know anything about insurance. hes 23. can anyone help me or know of any type of insurance??????? It would be appreciated..



Will my insurance go up if i get a speeding ticket?

i was going 95 im 18 ive been in two accidents its not my car and im on my parents insurance but i do not want my parents to find out i just wanna pay it and be done with it and do you know about around how much it would be?




me my uncle and my aunt have 4 vehicles in our household. we have a chevy avalanche or , toyota 4 runner limited edition o3, toyota corola s 10, and a harley bike 07. do this vehicles like have diffrent rates each under one insurance plan? its under USAA btw. (the numbers are the year models of car)



Are there any well known and reliable insurance companies in Florida that provide homeowner's insurance?

Seems that every insurance company is leaving Florida.



How to get cheaper insurance?

I was just wondering, what insurance companies are looking at, like if you are older the insurance is cheaper, if you got no claims benefits, car engine and make and is there anything else that reduces car insurance price? If you haven't got a car but hold a license for like 2 years is the insurance going to be cheaper as well?



Short term car insurance?

i need UK car insurance for just one day, ive looked at various companies such as more than and the AA but they will only do it for people over 21 and i am 20. does anyone know any companies that can do this?



Where is the best website to compare pco insurance prices?

fully comprehensive i would like a quote straight away. some websites you give all the details and it says that the company will contact the person regarding the quote. i want to compare mini cab insurance not taxi insurance. thank you so much in advance. :)



Can I add someone on my car insurance for 15 days?

I'm going on holiday at the end of the month for 10 days and was just wondering if I could add someone on my car insurance for 10 days? or what's the least amount of days in can? I'm the main driver on the policy but my dad is the 2nd driver, but I was going to see how much it would cost to put my brother on my insurance just for the time in on holiday?


transunion credit report error

transunion credit report error


What is the expected value for a 21-yr old who buys insurance?

The ABC Insurance company charges a 21-year old male a premium of $250 for a one year $100,000 life insurance policy. A 21-year old male has a 0.9985 probability of living for a year (based on data from the National Center for health Statistics.) A. What is the expected value for a 21-yearold male who buys the insurance? B. B. What would be the cost of the insurance polity if the company just breaks even?



Car insurance in Tennessee help please?

A girl I know the tags are in her name but her bf drive's the car he is currently teaching her how to drive she's new to the road..... but my question is can her bf get the car insurance in his name if the car tags n her name



Full tort or limited tort... Is it worth it to spend the extra 15% to get full tort car insurance?

I am 21 and getting my first new car tomorrow. I am looking for car insurance. It looks like I could save about 15% on my car insurance if I get limited tort instead of full tort. What do I risk by only getting limited tort? Is it worth the money?



What is the most affordable health insurance for children for a family who's income is $60k?

What is the most affordable health insurance for children for a family who's income is $60k?



What insurance coves surrogacy?

My wife is becoming a surrogate. She has already found a match but we need to find an insurance that covers surrogacy.



How do I find out which insurance company I last held car insurance with?

My car insurance expired a year ago. I didn't renew it as I had a company car. I now have my own car again and need proof of my no claims. However, I can't remember which company I was insured with and can't find the old insurance certificate!



How can I get heath insurance?

Im 21 college student and just got layed off I havent had health insurance for like 3 years and I need to go to a doctor like a gyno anywayz im going to the social services office to see if I can get like a low cost health insurance from the state or something I live in ct... but if they don't help me how much health insurance is a month? I can't afford more then 50 dollars a month I just got layeoff and I don't like getting help from the state but I really need to see a doctor



Do liberals believe lower premiums means affordable insurance?

Do liberals believe lower premiums means affordable insurance?



Motorcycle Insurance?

My father has his own motorcycle. I just got my motorcycle permit. Am I legally allowed to drive it (following the rules of my permit, of course) although the insurance is in his name? State: New Jersey



How can I start an auto insurance business in California?

How can I start an auto insurance business in California?



Will a ticket for careless driving increase your auto insurance?

I was pulled over for speeding but fined for careless driving. My parents car is insured but I'm not on the policy. Will the insurance premium be affected? How long does it take for there insurance agency to find out about the points? (We have Allstate if that helps)



Do you need a motorcycle license and insurance to buy a bike from a dealership?

I currently only have my permit and want to purchase a used Ninja 250 to practice on before my road test. I plan on keeping the bike for a while.



How much is car insurance for a 17 year old female?

im 17 and would love to buy myself a car but i worry about the insurance. i am thinking of buying a used 1998 jeep grand cherokee, its a really good price but i dont want to go and buy the car if insurance is way to expensive. any ideas on how much insurance would cost. if it counts i do get good grades in school.



Car Insurance Question?

Here's the quick version of the story- I'm 21 and have just totaled my Altima on a rainy night, crashing into the back of a parked SUV, also totaling that. I have received a $700 bill for the ambulance, a $1200 for the radiography and, here's the kicker, a $24,000 bill for the hospital. I do not have medical insurance or medical coverage on my car insurance and will not be able to pay off the hefty hospital bill. What options do I have?



Cheap Dentist on Long Island NY?

Hey Im 22 and dont have dental insurance. Ive had a bad cavity for about 2 years and off and on gives a really intense pain. At times I go a few days without sleeping because as soon as I fall asleep Im woken up by the pain and have to run it under cold water. Im looking to have an extraction. Its the last tooth on the top right side and has a large hole in it so its not a full tooth. I dont have insurance and dont have the money to get insurance. I was kicked out and have a lot of bills and work as a waiter so I dont have a large income. Where on Long Island NY can I find a place to extract the tooth at a cheap price? Maybe a dental school or something. Any information would help. Oh and when it starts to hurt it usually bleeds(swelling gums into the sharp edge of the tooth) If your just going to say go to an emergency vet and make payment plans please dont post because Im already 3 grand in debt and dont want anymore. Thank in advance



How would limiting expenses in the health care sector assist with making health care affordable?

and increase accessibility to care, while reducing the need for insurance?



Car insurance??? help?

I have a 2013 Mazda and going to buy a 2014 the same model as the 13 one will my insurance go a little bit more up?



Need condo insurance in Florida?

Hi, can anyone point me to any web sites or insurance agents in Florida that are still writing insurance for condos? Thanks!



What is car insurance and insurance quotes?

i'm not driving yet but i am taking driving lessons and i am just searching around for a car but i don't understand how things work. what is car insurance? why do we need it? and what are quotes? please help me!!! thank you much love xx



If i get my medical card in california will my parents see it since they pay for insurance?

I am about to get my card and i was wondering if my parents will see it, since they still pay for my insurance.



Car insurance, help!?

I'm 21, fully comprehensive insurance, new '09 plate car, my car insurance costs me about 300 per year. I am going away to Alton Towers next month with my partner and two friends and I was wondering what is the cheapest way of going about insurance to enable them to drive my car for the 2-3 day road trip down there and back. We want to split the journey between two of us as it will take about 6 hours there and 6 hours back so we were going to do 3 hours each there and back. We're taking my car as it's the only reliable one and the most spacious. The two people possible for driving is a 19 year old boy (im guessing the insurance will be way too high for him) and a 19 year old girl. They both have their own cars and their own insurance and have both been driving for 1 - 2 years. The girl will be 20 when we actually go down there but she is fully comprehensive on her dads insurance. What can we do? And please don't suggest I drive all the way as I've done it before and I said i wouldn't again as it was just too long to concentrate on one big stretch of road, even with a couple of stops. Thanks people! x



Insurance payout after lien paid?

My insurance recently sent my lien-holder, Chase Bank, the agreed amount for my totaled car. I owed about 3k less than what they paid out so am now left wondering when I will receive the difference. Chase received the payment a week ago.



Can a new driver who is 19 years old get car insurance on a Mercedes Benz?

I have looked on a couple of comparison sites and they don't offer car insurance for a Mercedes Benz for a 19 year old new driver. Could you give me an insurance quote? Much appreciation.



Car insurance help????????????

no one will give me insurance, yes iv made mistakes, and my insurance rate is high and i dont mind tht its just that some of the companys iv checked wont give me insurance iv had 2 speeding tickets at 17 mph ea, and 2 accidents, any1 know any company that will give me insurance? i went 17 over. and no1 was hurt in the accidents. iv tried state farm, all state, and triple A



Is it cheaper to insure your child under your insurance even if they have thier own car?

Is it cheaper on your child to insure them under your insurance even if they have their own car? We have leased a 2011 Chevrolet Cruze for our 18 year old daughter and after researching some rates that were as high as $500 per month, we thought it might be cheaper to insure her under our current policy as an additional vehicle. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? This is in the state of TN, and the lease and vehicle will be in my daughters name, we're just making the payments on everything. She is a student at a college less than 50 miles away. She does live there however, and only comes home once or twice a month.


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Which car insurance company is the best? How much do you py for car insurance each month?

Which car insurance company is the best? How much do you py for car insurance each month?



Car accident medical bills: Car insurance or health insurance?

I was in a car accident and went to an urgent care to get myself and son checked out. I used my health insurance to cover the medical costs. Is my car insurance supposed to reimburse my BCBS(Blue Cross Blue Sheild) health insurance? Or does my health insurance cover it? The car insurance company (progressive) totaled my vehicle and paid me $350 for our medical bills. Am I supposed to give that money to BCBS? I just dont want medical bills to come back to me later on down the road after settling. Also, what do I do if I am still in pain from whiplash? Should I go to a chiropractor, a doctor? Should I send Progressive the bill or use my BCBS? Any advice would be helpful.



Getting car insurance under parents name (Ontario Canada)?

I am 19, and I want to buy my first car, how ever I cannot pay 600 dollars a month for insurance. My dad does not want me on his insurances because he does not want the risk of his insurances going up if I get in an accident. So I was thinking, would my dad be able to insure my car under a different insurance company than the one he has now, and then just put me on the insurance. There for if I get in an accident, the insurance for the new car would rise, but the insurance for his car which is under a different insurance company would stay the same?. Theoretically speaking, if the above is true, and I do get in an accident, and the insurance rises to a price where I could not afford the monthly payment. Would my dad be able to just cancel the insurance?



Anyone know of cheap health insurance?

I am always in the ER but I have no insurance so I would really want to stop paying those expensive bills...



How much does car insurance cost?

Im planning on getting a 2012 honda accord coupe. will it be more expensive to insure compared to the sedan model or will it only be a slight expensive?



How much will an Acura Integra GSR 4 door insurance cost?

Hey I was wondering how much an 1998 Acura Integra GSR 4 door insurance cost? I'm in Long Beach, California. It is going to be under my dad's name and I have persmission to drive it to commute to school/work. My dad refuses to buy the 2 door version of the Acura Integra GSR because he says the insurance is too high. By the way once again it's under my dad name he has a driving experience of 28 years with clear records no accidents, no nothing. Please help me since my choice is the 4 door. Thanks in advance!



Classic cars have to go through emissions in Pennsylvania?

I have a 1967 Chevy bel air that has straight glass pack exhaust and I dont think it will pass emissions and i just moved to pa but before I get the license plate transferred I want to know if classic or older cars if you will have to go through emissions????



How much on average does it cost for business insurance yearly in Ohio?

I want to find out how much a small business insurance would cost yearly on average in the state of Ohio



Insurance and tax for a corsa?

im looking at buying a 06 (56) Vauxhall Corsa 1.4i 16V SXi 5dr for a 1st time car and was wondering how much would insurance, tax and a MOT usually cost for this kind of car?



How can I get medical insurance?

I been diagnosed with Crohn's disease for a few years now so it's been very difficult trying to get any medical insurance. I was wondering how can I get it without any more problems?



What would be the best insurance for me?

Ok hears the deal. I was dropped from my parents because i received a reckless driving ticket. So i know nothing about this. What would be the best things for me and what can i avoid to save money but still be safe. I am a college student who own a 2005 truck no payments on it, low income and rent an apt. so please help



Will filing a claim for broken car window raise my insurance payments?

I woke up to a broken driver side window this morning and the first thing i do is call my insurance to ask if its covered. My insurance said it would cost 350 bucks to fix it and i have a 500 deductable so i gta pay out of pocket anyway. He scheduled an appointment for me to get it fixed at a local shop. Is this claim going to affect my rates?



Monthly car insurance?

Hi, im 17 and recently passed my test and bought a 2000 fiat punto. Now for insurance, can you get insured monthly and if so what are the best websites to use? Personal experiences would be good cheers



Where is the cheapest (most affordable)place in ma for car insurance?

I am new to boston and need car insurance..any ideas? My car is a new 2008 Toyota..



I am 18 and i just got my license nearly 2 months ago, what insurance would take me?

i need insurance now but the rates are so high.. i am a full time high school student and i live on my own its not like i could put the insurance under my parents name. i need help !!!!!



Bmw 1992 insurance cost?

what is the insurance cost for 1992 bmw 352i???



Motorcycle insurance for a 20 yr old?

i just got a 2004 ninja zx10r, any one know of a place that has motorcycle insurance for cheap??



Insurance for my hrse?

does any one no any good horse insurance companys



How much does liability auto insurance cost in Florida?

I am coming up to 21 years old, and moving to Miami in August for a year with a student visa. I am told that it's very useful to have a car in the USA, and as I am a car owner in the UK with almost 2 years of comprehensive with no claims, I was hoping that I would be able to purchase a car in the USA. Will this be possible and at what price?



If you have exceptionally cheap car insurance where do you get it?

I know a lot goes into calculating car insurance, not asking about that. Just want to know if you pay a really small amount for coverage, what that amount is and where you get it from. (Must cover cars in the U.S, though companies can be anywhere).



I have question about car insurance!!?

ok I live in California northern part so.... I wanto know how much is the car insurance for 16 years old? Is it depends on type of car and the price you got it? I found a car in the internet its 2008 audi rs4 $2000 clean title how much do u think is the car insurance for this car... Thanks for the real answers!!!!



Car insurance and court hearing?

i drove my car without insurance and got by police got 6 points as i m on provisional then again after 2 months i got a car just to move in local place like for shopping and instead of geting a cab i thought i can use it but the moment i bought it i was driving back home police stopped me coz 1 break light was not working and got again points but the point is dvla didnt sent me a disqualification notice and after 3 months i was driving my friends car as it was just a scrap and had no fuel i was in petrol pump abt 12 at night police guys caught be because my friend was making some funny sounds there so got hearing and 1 yr ban...can some one tell me how much fine will i get and will they sentence me for jail...any help will be appriciated



Where to get the best auto insurance rates in Midwest.?

Just moved to the Midwest, besides the insurance giants are there any other good insurance companies out there that will save me a little money?



How much would insurance cost for a 17 year old with an SUV?

im thinking about getting a 1998 Chevy Tahoe for my first car but i dont know how much the insurance would be and i have my JOL license



Can i get insured on a chevrolet camaro 1ss 2 door v6 in the uk?

my parents said they will buy me a chevrolet camaro and ship it to the uk, its the 1ss v6 2door. they told me i had to pay insurance does anyone know wether or not i can get insured on this car in the uk, i live in london, im im turning 18 in november and this wil be my first car, and do you know approx how much it will cost?


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Does a car rental insurance claim affect my normal insurance?

I rented a car recently in London, and failed to notice that there was a small dent in the door when I took it out. Needless to say, they blamed me for the damage. They wrote up 850 in damages for a one-inch dent, and charged it to the rental insurance. I paid the 100 excess -- Fine, OK, it was my fault for not checking properly, but that's not my question. Does this claim affect my own personal insurance for my own car? Will I have to pay a higher premium now?



What is the legal cost of a ticket for not having any car insurance in the state of ala?

What is the legal cost of a ticket for not having any car insurance in the state of ala?



Why is it that if your pregnant, you can't get health insurance?

I currently have Kaiser with my fathers business(I work for him). However, he is thinking of canceling the insurance. I found out 2 days ago that I am pregnant, my father still does not know, and I know he will be happy for me, and maybe will not cancel the insurance for me. However, why is it that if your pregnant you can't get insurance? How about if i still want to stick with Kaiser, but have it on my name only? Oh I live in Southern California cause I know sometimes people ask that.



Vehicle insuranse rate with new increasing cameras.?

I was wondering if auto insurance is lowering their rates due to new speed cameras , red light running traffic cameras, and right turn cameras are starting to rise in the county. Now is this something the auto insurance companies look at to make rates for county or city of which we reside in?



Is there a Health care or insurance convention in Las vegas right now?

The week I'm looking for is February 27th 2012 till March 2nd 2012. I looked online but couldn't find anything. I'm looking for conventions or conferences somewhere in Las Vegas regarding health care or insurance in a wider context. Thank you.



How much is an SR22 insurance cost?

More or less...



Whats the best practical car or van insurance wise for a banned driver?

I was banned from driving due to a dr10 conviction and rest assured i have heartedly learned my lesson from this experience. My question is im looking to get my life back on track and so was wondering if anyone would know whats the cheapest practical car or van insurance wise for say if i wanted to start a buisness or just best overall. When i say practical i mean at least something that could pull a trailer as i e been told a 1400cc would be inadequet. Im 22 with no no claims bonus so i know its gonna be hard but any info appreiciated. Please no lectures i know what i did was a stupid incident but i truly have learned from it.



Is a $202 Full Mouth Debridement was an overcharge? or just average?

I went to a dentist, and was ordered a Full Mouth Debridement (D4355) for $202.00. I have no idea of what exactly they have to do but they explain that it's different from a regular cleaning and my insurance will not cover such thing. I have no idea of how much is it cost on average dentist and I said yes to have it done on me. When I went home, I realize that some dental office offer it less than what I'm paying. Should I file a complain? If I should, where can I bring my complaints to.? I live at area code 92126.



Car Insurance Liability?

Should I go around and get $2000000 in liability, or should I just go with $1000000?



What will insurance premiums be?

I had heard that with the new Obama healthcare system if you have to purchase health insurance on your own your premiums will be based on your income. Is this true? thanks



Does my liability insurance cover my new car ?

I'll buy an used car from San Francisco, CA. I'd like to drive it to Los Angeles CA (in same day) and then wanna do all the paper works in LA..Does my current AAA liability insurance cover this trip?



Affordable insurance in NYC?

My parents need health insurance. They are 50 and 49 years old. Is there anything affordable that you would recommend?



Estimating how much more is usually liability then full coverage insurance?

how much more do you think it would cost had 1997 dodge stratus 4 door and bought a 2008 ford focus, I know you it depends but do you think its gonna cost 1000 more for exampe or what?



How long after not having sr22 insurance does your license gets suspended?

My boyfriend is required to have sr22 but the guy that he was getting insurance from hasnt been in his office for weeks and we cant get a hold of him. Its been like four or five days since he hasnt had it and im just wondering if his license would be suspended by now and what do we do about this? Because it wasnt even my boyfriends fault.



How much does it cost to insure this car?

Im 17 years old and im planning on buying a car soon and the car i want is a 2002 Acura RSX, but i heard it expensive to insure? I havent been in any accidents no tickets. Iv had my license for more than year. And I live in the state of IL. My dad is planning on putting my name in his insurance as well and i just want to know how much it would cost to insure this car? We have state farm. Oh yeah another question since we are talking about insurnace do they give you an option to pay every month or every six months?



Which car would be less for insurance?

A 2003 mustang v6 or an Infiniti g35 coupe? I'm 18 and I have a clean driving record. I have the choice of getting either one.



I'm 17 and just past my driving test does any body know where you can get cheap car insurance?

I'm 17 and just past my driving test does any body know where you can get cheap car insurance?



How much $ does Geico Auto Insurance cover for car theft?

How much do these companys normally cover for auto theft? what % of the cars value?



Massachusetts car insurance?

I recently heard that MA IS allowing competition with car insurance companies.. YAY! However, Geico and Allstate still don't provide insurance in the state. Progressive DOES. Does anyone else know of some GOOD, reputable (car) insurance companies in MA? THANKS! :-)



Motorcycle insurance?

I live in the city of toronto but have a cottage up in peterborough. I got an insanely ridiculous expensive quote if i ride in the city, so i was wondering if i can get my insurance policy under my cottage address because i will likely just be driving it up in peterborough throughout the summer.



Average PLPD insurance for car?

Im wanting to buy a 1989 Toyota Supra and im wondering how much PLPD would be on it.



Info on car insurance for a 17 year old girl?

Hi, I am a 17 year old female who lives in the suburbs of New jersey. I will be driving a 1999 year model car and i want to know if anyone can give me a quote on insurance. The insurance will be paid only by me by myself not with my parents. i really need help or else I will never be able to drive! best answer = 10 points!!!!



Where Do I Find Quotes For Non-Owners Auto Insurance?

I Need It Cheap, Fast, And In Denver,CO.!!!!!!!!!!!!



How much would a $500K life insurance policy cost?

I am a healthy 32 year old female.



What can I do when a cap on my tooth is breaking away and I cannot afford insurance and not enough money?

What can I do when a cap on my tooth is breaking away and I cannot afford insurance and not enough money?


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how do i get a free credit report and score


Can I get a car insurance in MA when I bought my car in Maryland?

Does the state limit? Do I have to buy a car insurance in the state where i bough my car?



Can I get more coverage from the Insurance Company?

I was traveling at 40 m.p.h. at a 45 mile zone, a vehicle ran a stop sign and I hit him broadside, now their wants me to accept $10,000 (since thats the coverage he supposedly had) on a vehicle I owe $21,000. They say I was 10% at fault since I saw the vehicle pull in front of me and that I could have avoided the accident, I had passengers including my wife, sister in law her 9 mos old baby and my 2 children ages 3 and 7 how is it possible to avoid hitting this vehicle without a rollover or worst? The bad part is that I had a lapse in coverage at the time (unknown at the time) what should I do? I believe the adjuster made a bad assessment of the accident fault investigation he claimed I was going faster than the speed limit, and that I did not use my horn. Can I get more from his Insurance Co. to pay for my car since they claimed it totaled or must I obtain an Attorney? Can anyone advise on this?



No minnesota auto insurance?

if i dont have auto insurance will i loose my drivers license and for how long i live in mn.if im caught



Any idea how much the car tax is on a vauxhall frontera,and is the insurance expensive?

is it much more than running the average car



What to do when i want to get a car and how much is insurance for a 2000 jetta ? how does payments work?

What to do when i want to get a car and how much is insurance for a 2000 jetta ? how does payments work?



What would be the average MPG and insurance rates for the following classic cars in Bradenton, FL?

Also, how much would the car cost and where would I be able to purchase one? 1951 Ford 1955,1956, and 1957 Chevrolet 1957 Studebaker 1959 Ford 1959 Cadillac



Can i keep the insurance money and not fix my car ? can i still buy insurance in future?

I have a BMW 335i which cost around 29k (BUY LAST YEAR with CASH). I was hit by other guy ,he was at fault so their insurance ( B) absolutely must pay to fix my car .Nothing relate to my insurance ( farmer ). they estimate the cost to fix at their shop is 7k while BMW estimate for me is 13k (if there is hidden cost to fix the car, B will have to pay it too,thats the law). I do not want to drive this accident car anymore ,so can i ask them to write me a final check ,for example 15k to cover everything now and in future (for example they accept the deal). i then will sell the damaged car to somebody for cash and buy another one ? my car is still drivable (in my opinion the stucture would cost like 2 k to get it work perfectly,yet if we do not care the look, the cosmetic it will be a super good car to drive) In case i do not sell the car and fix the structure to drive,keep the money , i heard somewhere from yahoo answer that no insurance company will sell you insurance ??? like i can no longer buy farmers insurance if i do not fix my car ??? IS THIS FOR REAL ? ( because i did not make any claim on my insurance FARMER ) Is there any problem with an accident car ( Car title ,etc....) Is it legal in texas to drive a damaged car ? Will they report it to carfax ( i got police report) ..... So that is my case,with your experience Please give me anything that you know about my case, is there any problem with it, does anything will happen in the future Thanks all so much , please help!



When will I need to buy additional business insurance for my car?

I don't want to spend extra money on business insurance because I have an inactive self-employed business and I don't go to see clients often. What happens if I had a car more



What would happen if I can't afford my car insurance?

I'm 18 and just got a car and insurance. I am set to pay on the 28th of each month, starting this month. My insurance is $236 a month and it's being taken directly from my checking account. Say by this time if I was short $20 - $30, what would happen? I know I'd get a $35 overdraft fee from my bank but what happen with the car insurance company?



What car insurance company would you recommend?

my car is salvage so i basically have no choice but to obtain liability only...what insurance company would you suggest has better rates?



Does anyone know the cost of insurance on a classic beetle? 1972 for an 18 year old girl.?

Im 18, ive got a 1972 1303 Classic Beetle Does anyone know how much it would be for me to get insured on it as a legal driver? Im a girl btw, or would it be cheaper on my dads insurance? or would i not be fully comp??



What does car insurance cost?

I'm 16 almost 17 about to get my license in a small town in Indiana. I get all As except for maybe one B a semester. I went to drivers ed. I will get a 2001 silver volkswagon more



Do you have life insurance?

If so, at what age did you obtain your policy? How much did you purchase? How much do you pay a month? Is it a Term or Permanent?



Car insurance on a Mustang gt?

I'm a male, 19, years old going on 20 next month.. I'm wanting to save up for an older model (1999-2003) Mustang gt. I know there are different kinds of auto insurance agencies around but can someone maybe give me a rough estimate of how much i would have to pay each month for my own insurance? I've had no accidents or tickets/ felonies ever since my driver's license have been issued to me.. And i drive about 15 miles to work one way and 20 miles to college one way. Thanks!



16 year old insurance for a moped UK?

Hey, i'm thinking of buying a moped but before i buy one, i need to make sure that the insurance won't be too expensive otherwise i won't be able to afford it. I will basically be using the moped to get to college and back home. Any ideas as to how much insurance will cost on average? I am currently 16 years of age and will be turning 17 in December 2013. I live out of london if that helps. Thanks in advance :)



Health insurance for baby?

i need health insurance for my newborn baby. Can anyone refer me to affordable insurance?



Is lowering ur car high for insurance?

So I'm in a situation with my dad in buying a car which is my first car. It's an 96 integra. First ima start off saying I'm interested in import cars just the way it looks. And I find this car on Craigslist that's already been lowered. I'm Tryna convince him about it. But he thinks its gunna be high insurance. Can someone tell me what he's worried about? He thinks I like low cars so I could hug turns but I just like the style. Someone help me!!!!



Need car insurance help?

how much a month would it cost for a 16 year old and a 78 corvette please help



What are the local home insurance rates for London?

I am trying to do a project for a public health class and I was wondering what the home insurance rates for someone owning a home in London? It would be awesome if you knew about how much it cost around the Tower Hamlets area. Also, if you do know about what percentage of people have home insurance in London, that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!



Steps to getting your life insurance license in CA?

I have no previous experience with Life Insurance and am considering getting my life insurance license. What are the steps involved, how long does it take, how much does it cost, and how difficult is the test? Anyone help?



Should i get life insurance or not?

i know the end is near for me and i think it would be good for me to get life insurance ive destroyed myself and my own life i think it would be appropriate for me to get life insurance so the funeral could at least be covered thanks 10 points



Do adding aftermarket parts to car increase the price of insurance (uk)?

if i add new alloys and add window tints and change the exhaust would it increase the price of insurance and how much and do check the car if it has these parts



I have a a term life insurance calculator?

I have a term life insurance calculator, i want to place the link in to other sites which are relevant to term life insurance. Can any one please suggest me list of those sites which are relevant to term life insurance or any article or blogs site which belongs to an individual person and is relevant to life insurance. Please provide me only US site. thanks







Car accident, no insurance?

I just got into an accident 5 days ago. I still don't believe it was my fault if anything maybe both of ours. Regardless she had minor damage. She was on the phone obviously not paying attention as I was pulling out of the driveway when she was attempting to pull into a drive way across from the one I was pulling out of. So as you can imagine it's hard telling. We both have scratches on our left hand side bumpers but she has a dent that can be fixed. She had her friend with her so it was hard to really even defend myself because it was her word against mine. She called the police, thank God they passed because no one was hurt. They just told her to take down my information and deal with it. She took down my license plate, took pictures, such a drama queen, it honestly wasn't that bad. She has my license number too but when I when I went to call my insurance provider, they said it wasn't renewed. No police report, and she hasn't called me with a quote. How much trouble can I get in??


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how do i get a free credit report and score


Why is car insurance so high?

the guy who made young drivers insurance so High should be dragged out in public and shot in front of his family!



Does individual health insurance qualify for tax deduction?

I am employed, however i am paying my own personal health insurance instead of opting for the group insurance which my employer has since it worked out to be cheaper than group insurance. Now when i am filing my taxes can i claim medical insurance premium as tax deductible.



Are there emergency health insurances in California?

And how can some one get it? i don't live in Cali but a friend of mine does. And they can't afford health insurances. but they need to see a doctor.



Need advice concerning a comprehensive insurance plan...?

I will be getting married in December. Both my fiance' and I are still on our parents' plans (as we are below the age of 24 and have not been forced off yet). This includes car and health insurance. I am lost when it comes to how much I should pay, what kind of coverage I should aim for, etc. We will both need car and health insurance as of 12/20/09. We are looking for an all-around DECENT plan that will fit in a limited budget. Any advice/tips on what we should be doing or looking for would help a lot! Thanks!



Which life insurance company is best in settling claims?

Which life insurance company is best in setting claims? I want to but a term insurance for 25 yrs. I am 35 now. Please suggest good plan and insurance comany. Is there any databse where we get more information of claim record.



How much will my insurance go up if I am at 100% fault ?

I was in a car accident that was found to be 100% my fault. Accident itself was not too bad -- other car's front bumper( one side) dent.. so how much should I expect my insurance to increase ?



Good health insurance company?

Hi guys im new to kansas and im looking for a good health insurance company which also affordable any suggestion ??? thnx



How much will insurance cost me?

I am 16 years old. I live in Skowhegan Maine, 04976. I will be driving a 2000 ford taurus. I completed drivers ed. My own policy, no parent to go under.



Regarding Auto Insurance Companies policy for DUI.?

I am in living in Northern California and my question is how long do Auto INsurance Companies keep DUI on your record. I have been told 7 years but our insurance companys says 10years..



Motorcycle blown over in 35MPH wind, would the insurance company cover it? And would I be declared at fault?

07 zx6r. Left it outside while I was away came back to it on the ground. Heavy winds last night.



Idea of what monthly insurance rates are for new drivers?

I am a new driver and would like an idea of insurance rates for new drivers, I know its high. i live in Connecticut and so far Ive been told AAA is the cheapest for new drivers. Also would i pay more if i drive and SUV rather than a car Any advice on how i can pay at least a reasonable amount monthly?



Need help to find a car with cheap insurance?

Ok so im nearly 17 and i live in the uk so will be taking my driving test soon. I want a car that isnt to expensive to run and cheap insurance as insurance is really high at the moment an the car cant be to expensive either as i dont have a lot of money the most money i would be willing to be pay is about 2500 and cheapest insurance please!



Insurance info on changing them.?

my dad has a certain insurance and i want to switch to another insurance. what is involved switching to a new insurance because i found a nice new place but they don't take his current insurance. i really want to do move because this new place is great.



What car insurance is best/cheapest?

I am going to be getting a used car from my uncle and would like to know your opinion on what car insurance to get. My parents wont put me on their plan(this is my first car btw) so I have to get my own. I need a cheaper plan considering I only work during the summer as of now(thinking of getting a job on my college campus next semester). Any help would be good(your experience etc) I tried going onto the General insurance website(commercials say their cheap) for a quote but they keep on sending me to a Geico website, has anyone else had this problem? Thanks in advance for answering.(BTW I am a girl, I know that we get cheeper insurance typically for some reason lol and I also went through drivers ed in the past and I know most companies will give me a discount for that)



How much would be my insurance If my car is being registered in my name?

I am 21 years of age and I am planning to buy a used car to like 1998-2000 models which are not reasons for me to pay a lot for my insurance.



How much does a chest X-Ray cost with no health insurance?

i've been experiencing pain in my chest, and i think i need a chest X-Ray. the only problem is, my insurance papers haven't gone through yet, and they won't for about a more



How much would an urgent care visit cost with out insurance for strep throat?

I live in California, and I have strep throat. I know that OTC don't work to cure this so I need to go to urgent care. I'm most likely going to go to please!



Will a 9 mph over speeding ticket effect my insurance in NC?

I got a ticket for 53 in a 35. When I went to court the DA lowered it to 44 in a 35.. 9 mph over. Will it effect my insurance? I live in NC.



Will insurance points carry over to another company?

I have 9 insurance points. My mom is wondering if she signs me onto her policy, will the rates go up dramatically, or will they still be reasonable?



Homeowners insurance vs. property taxes?

which typically costs more homeowners insurance or property taxes?



Does Obama think $600 per month is a low price for health insurance?

Does Obama think $600 per month is a low price for health insurance?



Best insurance policy for girl child?

I have two daughters of 17 and 13 years age. Is there any insurance policy I can now join for these girls for their studies and marriage? thank you



Why is michigan car insurance so high?

I am a 21 year old female with no little credit but I have no bad credit. I rent an apartment and pay all my bills on time. I have a 2004 monte carlo ss that I paid 3500 for. This is more



What's a good life insurance?

My stepdad smokes a pack a day, and drives a truck for a living and I was wondering what would be a good life insurance for my mom should anything happen to him since he seems like high risk? They are middle class family in the burbs.



How much would the insurance be for this car?

Im a 16 year old boy that has not had any law trouble and is a first time driver with really good grades. I take my road test at the first of november. I am looking at purchasing a 2002 Volkswagen Passat GLS and i was wondering how much the insurance would cost on average?


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I just found out i'm pregnant & i currently have no insurance?

i'd just like to know what options i have , im from california. I havent gone in for any pre-natal checkup yet but would like to soon. im about a month or so along.



How much will it cost per month to pay for gas fees, and auto insurance in Toronto?

How much will it cost per month to pay for gas fees, and auto insurance in Toronto?



Answers to life insurance test?

answers to life insurance & applications test



Having a hard time finding affordable health insurance?

I just need a simple surgery on both my ears. About a year ago I developed a keloid on both ears. I know they can get bigger so I want to get it fixed before it looks like a grape behind my ear. My biggest problem is in finding affordable health insurance. Can anyone tell me a good site to go to for affordable health insurance? All answers would be greatly appreciated.



Can my father insure my car under his name?

I'm planing on financing a car and my father will Co sign. Can he put the car under his insurance I am only 18 years old so insurance just under my name is extremely expensive or is there a way he can be a Co owner of the vehicle if so how ?



Good health insurance!?

I need an good health insurance located in Indiana? Any recommendations and experiences ?



How much is insurance for a mazda rx8 if....?

my dad is going to buy me a used 2005 mazda rx8 for my 16th birthday, since i'm going to be a new driver and it's considered a sports car, is the insurance going to be super expensive?



Should we cancel our whole life insurance policy?

we bought a whole life policy for a couple of years ago b/c we liked the safety of not losing our money(the way u do w/ term)--anyway we have since learned that u don't make any money this way and it's better to take those premiums and put them in better returning investments. we already have a huge chunk of money in this whole life policy that will be down the toilet if we cancel. what should we do? can we convert it back to term?



Is it called a fix it ticket when you get a ticket for not having insurance in California?

Is it called a fix it ticket when you get a ticket for not having insurance in California?



Does my car has to have insurance or do I have to have a new insurance for myself in order to drive in NJ?

I'm a bit confused about this issue. I have a permit and I want to do a road test in order to obtain the provisional driver license. The thing is that I heard a lot from people about insurance and now I'm that confused that I don't know what to do. Do I need to have insurance? or does my car need insurance? Can I be under my parents insurance? Would that be cheaper? Could you guys help me figure this out? All I want is to drive legally without any problems, and don't waste money. Could you give me some sources also? Thx ahead



Question about Car insurance (UK)?

Does anyone know if / how mileage for year is calculated for insurance purposes. What do the insurers check for these details? I have a private policy for my second car (my non work runaround) and it is limited to 3000miles per year. Perfect for trips to the dump, bulky or messy trips to the shops etc. I lend the car to my partners foreign parents who use their own insurance policy (cheaper for them) to drive it during their vacations to the UK 2-3 times a year adding quite a bit of mileage to the vehicle. If we both have insurance to be driving my car, am I at fault for claiming low mileage allowance for cheaper insurance for the car?



I am getting ready to get homeowners insurance in Indianapolis, IN. Anyone have a good place they go?

I am going to be in the Speedway area but it doesn't have to be in that area, just someplace around Indy. Just looking for an affordable and reliable place. Hopefully you guys have some good suggestions. Thanks in advance!



Good Car Insurance?

My dad is insured by Allstate and pays around 580, and now i have a license and want to get insured as well, but it would cost us around 1150. Does anyone know of a better car insurance for the both of use to go under for cheaper then 1150? We live in Maryland. thank you



When will Obama Care go into effect? Will I be able to get free health care?

My husband and I are currently uninsured. We can not afford health insurance right now. How little do you have to make to get free insurance. And If I have to purchase it, how much will it coast?



Do you know of any affordable dentist in San Diego?

We have no insurance and my gf is having a toothache and a cracked tooth. We checked out one Vietnamese dentist and he wanted almost 2000 dollars. My God! That is a lot of money. So, if you know any affordable dentist any where, please let me know. We'll be paying cash. I suggested Tijuana, but she's afraid of going there. Thank you in advance.



What is the average cost of car insurance for a 16 year old male?

I need it for a school project PLEASE HELP!



My buddy is suing my insurance company, what could happen?

Ok, So a little over a month ago i was involved in a car accident with a friends car. It was and 1 hr and 30 min drive. My friend said he was tired and drunk, telling me to drive( I was sober) so i did. I did tell him I didn't want to drive because his car was manual(which i can drive, but i've been driving auto for 4 years now. On the way home I fell asleep at the wheel and the car was totaled. None of us were injured, I was good he was good. We did the police report called our insurances. His paid him for his car. Two weeks later he's calling me to come-over to talk. I get bombarded by his family for 2hours basically saying they need money for this and that. The claim was already settled but he insisted i called my insurance company and see if they can give them money because they used the money they got from there insurance to pay off the car(worth about 5 grand) I talked it over with mom because im under her insurance and she said its sounds shady. She calls the insurance company and said dont give him a dime. Insurance is to make you whole again not better then you were. I explained to him numerous times and a week later my mom calls me at work and says gieco called and my friend is suing them. she also said he has a lawyer. He's suing for bodily injury! My told me not to stress it but it bothers me so much. He definitely doesn't deserve anything and especially being in perfect healthy condition. In the accident if you wanna get technical i took all the hits. I know him, my insurance company doesnt. its not right for him to be compensated for some injury that doesn't exist. Whats gonna happen? does he have a chance. the claim opened up is for $25,000 or more. this kid goes out clubbing and partying every weekend and this is how he lies? any input is appreciated. thanks again..



Is it possible to get different car insurance under the same household?

Hi, So I have a question regarding different car insurance. MY family has allstate for the car insurance. However, I do not want to go under allstate for family reasons. I am trying to get geico for my car. However, my father states that if you were to get geico you would still have to add everyone's name under the insurance policy. I am trying to get my own individual policy without adding anyone under the car insurance policy. I wanted to know if it is possible to get different car insurance under the same household? Thanks :) P.S: I am 23 years old. About to turn 24 years old. I wanted to get my own individual policy without adding anyone on the car. The car was a gift from my parents to me.



Am over 25 yday passed my test but cant get cheap insurance for a small car.?

here it is. am 25+ and yesterday passed my driving test. looking over the internet for insurance for nissan micra 3 dr 1L 3 door. cheapest i can get is 140. my cousin who is 4 years younger than me, he got it for 94. tried same company aswell. am i missing any trick?need help suggestion and recomendation



What health insurance is best and affordable for my wife?

We had a baby 3 months ago, but I am looking for health insurance that is good and affordable for my wife. Any suggestions?



Teens do any of you have any insurance?

Car insurance cell phone insurance life insurance health insurance renters insurance homeowners insurance Title insurance Troll insurance No matter what the product its good to have insurance AM I RIGHT?



Does anyone know of an affordable insurance company for an individual (major insur. companies preferrably)?

I am an individual contractor and in need of a health and dental insurance. There are so many to choose from and I don't know which ones I should be focusing on. Lower deductibles and higher copay better? What's an ideal payment each month? $200? $150? I need help.



How much does insurance pay on total loss if owner owes more than its worth?

If a car is worth appoximately 30,000 and the owner owes 40,000 what will the insurance company pay the owner? I hope it is 30,000....



Do I have to purchase supplementary car insurance for a rental car?

I have sold my car and my old insurance has expired and I dont have a credit card, so I have only a debit card. I need to rent a car for one day to use it in town, we have enterprise car rental, all their insurance are optional , my question do I need to buy the supplementary liability insurance since I dont have any kind of insurance? Is it required by law to do so? Is the insurance company have to provide the basic liability, and then they offer supplementary?



How can immigrants over 65 afford health insurance in the United States?

Federal employee looking to rotate back to the States and take my in-laws who are 73 and 75. Cannot get Medicare until they have been in the U.S. for five years Any suggestions?


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How much does a new camaro 2010 cost?

And how much would minimum insurance on one cost? I would be willing to get a white one if it meant lower insurance costs. Thank you and god bless!



Car Insurance problem?

Yesterday my dad was in a car crash but thankfully no injury. The victim who crashed into our car had escaped and dashed off bout 6miles. The point of this story? The victim had stolen a car from a rental place and had been driving really fast probably. Figuring that this guy has no money and insurance, can not pay for the damage of my car. (I had bought it about a year ago, and used car) It seems Like we would have to pay 1mill yen (Japan) for this whole crap. Obviously this does not seem right at all, and should not be paying anything at all! Our insurance covers the accidents we get into, but not the damage of our car. So that means, our insurance doesn't cover it, the victims or the company (toyota) might not be covering it either. This case is rare supposedly and we're still figuring it out. And their on a hunt for this guy so hopefully we'll see what he has. Can you hear me out on this one? Can you give me things that might question this case? thnx a lot



Which car would be cheaper on insurance? PLEASE help!!!!!!!!?

im 16 and am wondering wich one would be cheaper for car insurance and by how much a white 93 civic hb or a red 94 integra gs



Do insurance companys consider the Grand Prix GTP coupe a sports car ?

Do insurance companys consider the Pontiac Grand Prix GTP coupe a sports car



How can I get the other driver's insurance co. to pay the full cost of rental car?

I was hit from behind and the other driver's insurance company has accepted liability but, they only want to reimburse me about $27/day for a rental car when I'll have to pay around $50/day. They are also dictating to me some terms about the duration of the rental car period based on the number of shop hours estimated for repair. I am wondering if there is some leverage I can use to make them pay 100% of the rental car cost for a reasonable car and duration.



Got caught speeding 36 in a 20, not listed on insurance, driving alone with a learned license?

My driving test is the day before my court hearing and I was wondering how much all this will cost and also if I'm gonna be able to take my test still



My first car notes and insurance?

i'm 16 and plan on getting A JOB BY MAY 2008. I wanna buy a USED CAR at least a 1997 model -2000 model. Do you think I can afford the car note? Could i possibly get on my mom's insurance plan to make it cheaper for my car to be insured or am I just putting myself up for a future of bad credit??????



Is Travelers insurance company good?

We are shopping around for home owners & car insurance. Travelers is coming in cheaper & with more coverage than other places. I have not heard of them before (which doesn't mean anything) but Wiki has a lot of good things to say about their company. Curious on personal experiences & recommendations!



I need insurence to pay for my pregnancy?

I hve NO insurence im only 18 idk how to get free insurance so that i can go to the dr for checkups to make sure my baby is okay or even see my baby in an ultrasound i dont know what a mid wife is and i dont know how im going to pay for the birth of my baby :( help i need answers



Switching car insurance?

I am thinking of switching to Esurance, it's about $25 a month cheaper than my current insurance. Anyone have any experience or knowledge of Esurance? How hard is it to switch?



In Holland, what are the average odds of insurance paying for car dents and scratches caused by another?

I got drunk and accidentally crashed my bike into a car, which didn't look very expensive. If it's likely that insurance doesn't pay, I'll try to pay for it myself



Volkswagen beetle (2004) insurance?

I'm 17, starting to drive... All the quotes I have been getting for small cars like yaris's, cluo's, ka's etc, have ranged from 5 to 9 grand. I checked Tue insurance for a 2004 vw beetle, that ranged from 2 to 4 grand. Why are they cheaper than smaller cars?



Best car to insure in GTA 5 online?

I need a car to insure and upgrade but not sure which one is the best help?



Can i put my boyfriend on my car insurance?

okay so im finally getting my own car. The thing is its not really mine its going to be mainly for my boyfriend but going under both our names. That being said, i'm going to drive my boyfriends car. I need to know, being a first time driver, if that is even possible. Can i purchase insurance and make it possible to have my boyfriend as well as me under our insurance?



My Car insurance is too high!?

Im 17 years old, male i mean I would expect my insurance to be high because im a young driver and male...but not ridiculously high. I got a quote on comparison sites and the cheapest more



16 for 2 months and havent recieved my national insurance card?

I have been 16 for 2 months and i still haven't received my national insurance card. I haven't moved house or anything. (sorry if its in the wrong category :L)



Where can i get good health insurance?

i just got kicked off healthfirst with no warning so i need to find something fast please help :-)



Do car insurance companies know how long I have been a licensed driver for?

When I was younger I remember a distant family member telling me to get my CA state ID as soon as I can because when I get a driver's license and a car the insurance companies won't be able to tell which I got first. All they see is when my ID# was assigned to me, and that it will look like I have been a driver longer and get a better rate. I don' know if this is true. I am getting my first car in about a month and I want to get a good price on insurance. Need more info? I got my California state ID when I was 20 and my CA drivers license when I was 25 and I am 26 now. So there is a big difference of time. I know it sounds kinda dishonest but I have been driving since I was 17, so I do have good driving experience but it might not look that way since I've only had my license for a year and a half, when it could look like I have been a good driver for 6 years. If any one can help me out that would be awesome, please link your info or proof if you can. Thank You!



Car Insurance when selling Car?

Ok the situation is as follows: I am selling my car for a new one. I have asked my current insurer to transfer my policy to the new car which is fine. However I then questioned about temporarily insuring my old car under the policy and they wanted a ridiculous amount of money for a week - I also do not know how long it will take to sell the car. I questioned the amount and asked what customers generally do when they wish to keep an old car insured. I was told that I could drive my old car on a 3rd party basis as my policy going forward covers me fully comprehensive. I thought fantastic - but then I was shocked when I was told that if I drive the car it is insured 3rd party only but as soon as I park it up somewhere it is uninsured and could be towed away by the police. I have since read my policy document which claim that I can drive any other car 3rd party providing I do not own the car and that there is already insurance in place? Can anyone clarify the above or provide advice. I am so confused and unfortunately are unable to call my insurer back now or over the next couple days? Thanks in advance



Why is my mortgage company forcing me to buy insurance on my home?

what is homeowners insurance good for?



Insurance for teens ?

I just recently got my g2 and I was just wondering if I can drive with out insurance and if not what are the consequences if I get caught by the police. And can I drive on the highway with out the assistance of an experienced driver. Btw I live in Ontario, Canada.



Can you personally propose a govt. health insurance program that would satisfy the majority?

Can you personally propose a govt. health insurance program that would satisfy the majority?



Is it possible to argue with the insurance company against totaling the car?

The insurance company wants to total the car. I do not. The insurance adjuster's estimate and the body shop's estimate is below the insurance company's valuation of the car (even adjusting for the insurance company's salvage value). The policy defines when they can total the car, when the repair cost is greater than the value + salvage value. It is not there yet. The insurance company is also cheating by unreasonably saying the value is low but even with that, the repair is less. How to I go about changing an insurance company bureaucracy so that they follow the policy?



Ladies has anyone every really saved on car insurance when applied to Sheila's Wheels or Diamond?

Everytime I've got a quote its always more expensive than other insurance companies



Can you get car insurance with out a licence?? if so?

i just bought a car for my mom...who is without a licence. but she needs a car to take her drivers test in. (this is tecnically my frist car) can i get the car registered without insurence?...and if not....can i get insurence for an unlicensed driver?...or will we have to have a licenced driver get insurence for the car..and put my mom as unlicenced driver till she takes the test?? i just need a little help on how the prosses goes. thank you very much. kathleen


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Does anyone know Proximately how much a P.I.P car insurance with come out for a 22 year old..?

With 4 year driving record? thanks



How much would car insurance be for a 2002 Jaguar X-Type compared to one for a 2002 Lexus ES300?

I know the Jaguar would be more expensive but by how much?



New car insurance when to get it?

Bought a 2010 Toyota corolla s at rusty Eck ford my grandpa consigned for me and they took a copy of he's insurance to let me drive the car home on 60 day tag plates. Am I supposed to put the insurance right away or after the 60 day tags are over ? I'm in Wichita ks



How does a LAPC in Georgia get on insurance panels?

How does a LAPC in Georgia get on insurance panels?



What would be the cheapest insurance for a 1992 camaro?

What would be the cheapest insurance for a 1992 camaro?



Help with car insurance cost?

I'm a 18 year old male with a clean driving record I'm on my parents insurance plan I want to get a used jeep wrangler with a lift kit what's a good estimate on how much it would cost monthly for me to have this vehicle?



Teen car insurance??

Im a 16 year old male looking for insurance. My gpa is 3.2 and play 2 sports. I was wondering how much it would run me to have insurance in California for a 67 mustang coupe?? And in comparison to a 2002 audi a4?



Does AARP offer affordable health insurance? What is the best medical care option for low income Americans?

I am helping someone trying to find health benefits. She saw an add for AARP on TV and asked me to check into it. From what I can see AARP is a magazine subscriiption that offers a few discounts and offers a plan to suppliment existing insurance. It does not appear to be a place you can go for affordable primary health insurance. She is 55 years old, in relatively good health, except for taking high blood pressure medicine, a legal U.S. resident and currently unemployed. He last job was a Nanny job and that is probably what she will find next, but those kind of jobs are usually with a private family and they offer nothing in way of benefits. I have tried to GOOGLE low income health insurance and the best I have found is a short term policy, with a 7500 hospital deductable that costs 256.00 a month, still out of her reach. Are there any alternatives for low income Americans? Is AARP a possible solution to get her access to affordable medical care? All input is appreciated. She is just wants to be able to get affordable medical care and I really do not have an answer for her



How much is the average car insurance in southwest VA?

Im 20 years old. Im moving somewhere in the southwest va area within the next month and was wondering how much the average car insurance will be



Average cost of sr22 insurance?

What is the average cost of sr22 insurance?



Insurance polices at work?

a friend of mine works for a local mall where i'm from. the company he worked for varsity he took out a 10,000 insurance policy left me as heir should anything happen to him. when varsity left the mall and another company took over. he and his co/workers are told the insurance policies they took out and left another as heir were only good providing varsity remained in the mall. how is it legal to charge someone for such a policy. once the varsity left the mall they were told they get nothing



Vehicle damaged..have ? about insurance?

A tree fell on my vehicle during Hurricane Ike. My husband thinks there may be at least $10000 worth of damage to it. I looked it up on kelly blue book and its only worth approx 9000.00. I tried trading it in a few weeks ago and they only wanted to give me $5000, I'm glad I didn't take that one. I purchased the GAP insurance thru the dealership. Do you think Allstate will just total it and let the GAP insurance pay the balance of my loan. I'm really really upside down. It really looks cosmetic to me but there are things hanging underneath it and it is very hard to drive. I think it would be cheaper for the insurance company to total it and let GAP take the rest. How does that work?



Can I go on my boyfriends health insurance florida?

I am living with my boyfriend for a year can I go on his health insurance



Is auto insurance always required in California?

I remember hearing that if you had enough money set aside in an account, you wouldn't have to pay for car insurance. Perhaps the minimum coverages for all the various types of accidents, which would sum up to somewhere around $50,000. Is this actually a possibility?



Car insurance question!?

Sorry of his sounds dumb, but I'm 15 and want to get a car. When a kid gets his or her liscense does the insure cost more or the same if they have their own car or not? Let's say kid a has a liscense but no car so she uses her parents car every once in a while. Kid b has her own car. Which insurance would cost more or would hey be the same? (just assume they both had he same exact car and grades)



Can I add my girlfriend to my health insurance if we live together?

Some states allow benefits for partners. Is this the same? I am insured by Humana (Open Choice PPO)



Which Insurance company is better to take Mediclaim cover?

Which Insurance company is good to take health policy in India? India there are 24 non life insurance companies are there. Which one is better response at the time of claim. Give some suggestion to take medi claim insurance cover...



Just got 3 tickets, how much does insurance rise?

I was driving 79(the cop said this, i realy was not going this fast) in a 50 and got a ticket for that. I have a provisional license(I am 17) and had a total of 2 passengers who were not supposed to be in the car(including myself there were 4 people in the car). I also did not have the red sticker on my car. I live in New Jersey. This is my first offense. How much will my insurance rise? I get 4 points for the speeding, and i do not believe any others because points are for moving violations. 220$ for speeding, I believe 100$ for the red sticker, and I have no idea for the extra two people. They are minors, and no i did not get reckless driving.



How much would insurance cost for me?

i'm an 18 yr old female driving a 86' camaro



What's the best way to approach someone about buying life insurance?

What's the best way to approach someone about buying life insurance?



Car Insurance help, UK?

i have been driving for 1 year in New Zealand, i dont have a full NZ license, but a restricted. i am now in the UK and want to know how much i will be paying for insurance roughly. i have just passed my uk driving test, so im basicly a new driver. Please Help



The insurance company put my name in wrong would i technicly now not be insured?

My name is Jonathan capital J! to cut a long story short i was with one insurance company phoned up for my renewal quote they did the renewal over the phone with their sister company who was the cheaper one and said they would deal with it all for me and just swap all the deatails to that insurance but they got my name wrong. On last years one it was correct ''Jonathan'' now its been sent to them someone had typed in ''jon'' not even a capital letter for my name! Would the police now be able to stop me and say well your technicly not insured because thats not your name? thanks in advance.



What are car insurance bonds?

What are car insurance bonds?



Is there a program or something for people who work as temps to get insurance?

I have not had medical insurance and would love to have coverage, but working as a temp none is offered and it can be very exspensive, anyone know what I can do to get affordable insurance!!!



Buy a car + insurance?

Hi i live in Toronto and i was looking to buy a car, the thing is i just recently moved to Canada and have no experience of this stuff, i didn't own an auto mobile back home. I also don't have that many reliable and truly trust able friends that i can turn to for help, and no relatives. So i turn to yahoo answers in my time of need. I need to know what the process of buy a car is and when and how do i get insurance on my car, I just turned 18 and would like my own car. And do you guys gave any suggestions for first cars? any tips? all help is appreciated.


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Why did so many Liberals run away from the ACA as soon as they found out that they'd have to pay for their own Affordable Health Insurance ?

Why are so many Liberals running away from the ACA they declared that they needed so desperately as soon as they found out that they'd have to pay for their own Affordable Health Insurance ? I don't get it ?......Liberals asked for Affordable Health Insurance not Free Health Insurance so why are they running way from Affordable Health Insurance now like it is the plague and even opting to pay a fine rather than buy Affordable Health Insurance for themselves /



How do you pay an insurance deductible?

Well i sadly wrecked my car today i have full coverage because i have a loan from a bank and im still making payments on it. I let the insurance company know. But my deductible is $1,000.00 and i dont have a thousand dollars. Can you like make cheap payments on that or do you need it all upfront? Or do i not have to pay it right away?



Is medical payments coverage needed in auto insurance?

How important is medical payments coverage auto insurance coverage. I currently have at as $10,000 coverage. Is this over kill? I have health insurance (HSA) that has a $5000 deductible per year, after that it's covered 100%. thx



What is the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance?

What is the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance?



HELP whats the Cheapest place to ge car insurance in ontario?

im a 18 male just got my g1 not to long ago, i have had/drove cars be4 But i am not doin the driving school thing as i dnt have $500 to Blow! so im just gonna wait the 12months to get my g2 (so ill be 19 goin on 20 when i have my g2), i just started saving for a car tht i plan on puttin on the road after i have my g2 (i can get cars for a fair price so im not worried about tht), but where can i get cheaap Car insurance in Belleviille Ontario?, as i dnt make alot of money right no and nobody else n my family has a license lmao so i cant go under their insurance. and i did a online thing sayin i had a 99 z24 nd it said ill have to pay $1013 a month wht is wayy to much money!! and i have already had a 96 cavailer, 93 mx6 (but i drove em with no license or anything) but now i either wana get a honda civic, sunfire, neon, mx3 or acura, 95 and up



Can you switch car insurance companies easily?

I bought a car last night and am picking it up today in Nova Scotia. I called around to a number of companies for insurance and got a quote that seemed reasonable. I went down today and signed the paperwork and was given the temporary insurance card and they faxed paperwork to the dealership and the dealership to them and it is all worked out. However I got a call back a few hours later from another broker quoting me a lot less. I had her verify with the company and they said yes. But I have already signed the other stuff. The one I have now is going to be monthly and the first payment should not come out till about the 15th and be the first and last payment for the month. if I switch and they have already taken the payment do I get the last month back? Can I pretty much switch at any time? Anyone know how that works? I'm a newbie at buying a vehicle an thought I had done my homework but apparently not.



How much does liability insurance cost?

I live in NC. I don't own a car and just need the insurance to get a driver's license. Getting added to someone else's policy is not an option for me.



Wouldn't the PPAC (Obamacare) bankrupt insurance companies?

PPAC seems very similar in nature to the Community Reinvestment Act that played a role in the 2008 financial crisis. The PPAC requires insurers to offer the same premium (price fixing) to all applicants of the same age and geographical location without regard to most pre-existing conditions (excluding tobacco use). It also states that minimum standards for health insurance policies are to be established and annual and lifetime coverage caps will be banned. As a business owner, I don't see where the government comes to the conclusion that insurance companies could survive the price fixing and taking on such high risk liabilities. It seems like 2008 all over again, does it not? Wouldn't they get involved in something similar to what the banks did with derivatives since they were forced to take on high risk loans? It seems like the big focus on Obamacare is the part where people are forced to buy insurance. I don't think that is a big issue, the big issue is how can the insurance companies handle this? Am I wrong? I am going to do more research tonight.



What is the normal procedure for a car accident without insurance?

On Febuary 2012, I had a car accident and I hit the FWD Nissan, The car that I hit is still drivable condition, the only damage that I caused was a dense on the door. But My car was damaged badly, but it was fixed for $4000. Six months later, I receieved a bill from other car insurer asked me to pay $12k for the repair of the damage. HOwever, I did not recieve any phone call from the victims or the victim's insurance company at all. So is that a proper procedure for the insurer to call me and ask me about the accident? Because I did not know what I did to pay $12k, as in you could buy a new car for that....



How much Unemployment Insurance if I made $50,000?

How much money would I get from UI(Unemployment Insurance) if I made $50,000 Annually? I live in California, and I know the max is $450 a week. But I have a feeling that $50,000 doesn't qualify for the max. So how much do you think one person would qualify for if they made $50,000 Salary.




my sister is REALLY sick. she has a really bad cold and cough and not getting better! she doesn't have insurance or money to pay for a dr.'s visit. would anyone be able to help me help her find somewhere she can go to get checked? i live in orange county, california.



Is there any auto insurance companies out there that does not require a credit check when applying for car ins?

I am trying to change auto policies and all the companies I have contacted so far wants to pull my credit and ask for my SSN number. Is there any auto insurance company that does not require a credit check for car insurance ?



How much will it cost to put a learner driver on my car insurance?

How much will it cost to put a learner driver on my car insurance?



Is it illegal to drive without car insurance?

Hi, i was just wondering if it is illegal to drive without car insurance in Ontario, Canada.



Insuring a scion tc with collision for a 17 year old?

Im just wondering if anyone out there is around 17 with a scion tc and how much their insurance cost every month if they have collision. An older man totaled my 2000 Mitsubishi mirage and i got a lot of money for it and a lot saved up so im in the market for a new car. I currently pay 1900 a year.



Best insurance for a young additional driver?

Hi, I am in the process of buying a car, and have been for ages, and i am now trying to find the cheapest insurance like i have been for ages. My um will be the main driver, as she is selling her cr, and i walk to school everyday, so i will b the 17 year old male additional driver. Whats the best insurance quote i can get? Anyone got any recommendations? Im looking at getting a peugeot 207, which are 1.4 or 6, and many of them the sport edition. Dont bother telling me to get a different car as this is the one i like and have saved up for. Many Thanks for any help with my cheap insurance, Thanks



Drink driving insurance?

I was convicted of drink driving last year. Just got my driving licence back. Does anybody know where I can get cheap car insurance, theres loads of companies that say they specialise in convicted driver insurance but some of the prices I have been quoted have been astronomical. 1000+, Ive tried all the comparison sites, is there any companies out there that specialise in providing insurance for convicted drink drivers?



Is the auto-insurance claim information shared if I switch the insurance company?

Hi! I am with auto-insurance company X right now and due to few number of insurance claims that I had made, my insurance is going up. I am wondering if I try to switch to some company Y, will X share my claims information with Y? Thanks!



I need to health insurance but i got laid off work...?

I understand that i need health insurance. Cuz face it, you never know when it's necessary. I've been looking for a job since I got laid off in March. Cobra turned out to be too expensive. What are some low cost health insurances that are good? Since i'm low on cash i dont wanna throw money into a bad insurance company. Are there any programs in California that can assist me? At least until i can find a job.



How does a LAPC in Georgia get on insurance panels?

How does a LAPC in Georgia get on insurance panels?



Mustang GT for a teen? insurance question?

When i graduate from highschool my dad is going to buy me a mustang GT 2005 and i was wondering if it was a good choice. when i go to college i am goin to hav a job so will i be able to afford a mustang insurance? How much will it run about (estimate). Thx in advance, ~Key key24~



Does anybody know where to get cheap auto insurance for a 18year old?

Does anybody know where to get cheap auto insurance for a 18year old?



How much would insurance be for a 16 year old driving a 1988 lincoln towncar?

How much would insurance be for a 16 year old driving a 1988 lincoln towncar?



17 years old how to get cheap car insurance?

I found a car i had my lieance for 3 months, the insurance is for 2400 how can i get cheaper insurance the insurance will be on my name or if i put it on my dad name how would i be able to drive the car.



Liability insurance on a leased car?

If I lease a car or buy it on credit (a 2004 convertible mustang eg.) can I just buy cheap liability insurance? Please explain, I'm new to this and I need a car asap :/ please and thnx!!!


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1yr with my license and I want a new car, will insurance be high?

I have about 12 months with my license. I have had 2 accidents. One was from the snow last january, but I didn't hit any car. The second one was this september and it was for careless driving. Now im thinking of getting a used car by august. A car around 5-8gs, and im planning on financing it. And putting full coverage on it, because now I have a baby on the way. Does anyone think I should get a car or will my insurance be to much? How long should I have my license before I get a car around $10,000?



How much car insurance will rise after an aciddent?

I'm 23 years old, and currently paying $100 per month on my car insurance. But earlier today I crash into the guard rail by mistake. I have a clean driving (no ticket ever) record with only 4 other accident prior to it. I guess my car would take maybe $1000 to fix but I'm not sure how much my insurance rate will increase. I'm thinking that if I were to pay for the entire damage instead of paying a $500 deduction would not increase my rate.



Is the general car insurance a good car insurance company?

i just recently started hearing about it and im looking for a cheap car insurance company but from the commercials it says like $40 or something i dont remember the exact price but its really cheap. i know it depends on where u live and the type of car u have etc, but i just want to know overall is it better for me to get than for example getting century 21, where the quote was $300 -.- (yes im young and have an audi) does anyone have it? is it safe to apply for? and some ppl actually think its a scam?



My Car was hit while parked, do i have to involve the cops or my insurance company?




Can i get insurance then put modifacations on my car?

Hi i am getting a mk 2 golf and will be modding it out with rims tint lights and lowering suspension. If i get the insurance quote at 4grand and then put the mods on the car is it a year of cheap insurance or do i need to tell them i have altered the car? Thanks.



About how much would auto insurance be a month for a beginning teen driver?

I know your not going to be able to give an exact price. I just need a legitimate number. I'm 16, and just fully paid for a nice car on CL. So I do fully own it if that helps the price any. Just an estimated number per month please.



What is the best car alarm system, that would also lower my insurance?

I own a 2003 Toyota Corolla CE. My car insurance is moderately expensive, and I've been told that installing an alarm system would help lower my insurance. But I don't want a cheap alarm that can be easily set off by someone's sound system.



California mat do away with mandatory auto insurance. How much will rates go up?

The insurance industry has already said they will raise rates. A few years ago when insurance became mandatory, they raised the rates too. As much as 100%. What's your guess as to how badly the will gouge their customers this time?



Auto insurance pricing for newly licensed 16 year old male driver?

Turning 16 soon and will need a car. I'm looking into getting a 2006 Mazda 6 with 100,000 miles on it. I live in Ohio and will basically be using it for driving around town, possibly to a job in the future of course (if it's still running). As a newly licensed driver, would any of you know how much the insurance would possibly cost? I'm a B average student with a 3.0 GPA average as well, if that has any an effect on the cost.



Cheapest car insurance for a minor?

Okay, I'm about to purchase a 1995 Volkswagon Cabrio, but I need insurance on it and I'm only 17. I have a missouri permit currently, but I will have my license as soon as I get the insurence so that I can take the test. If it helps at all I have a 4.5 gpa, near perfect attendence, volunteer work, dual-enrollment credit, and extra-curriculars. I just cannot afford the prices I have been seeing for the few companies that will give me insurance and I would appreciate any suggestions for cheap liability.



The cheapest auto insurance in southern california?

The cheapest auto insurance in southern california?



How to get young drivers car insurance down?!... HELP :(?

Hey, Im 19 and passed my test in july. Ive finally saved up enough to buy my first car and im looking at buying something around 1000-2000. Only thing im struggling with now is finding affordable car insurance. The cheapest ive been quoted is 2,500 a year, but im hoping to get it cheaper! Anyone any tips on how to get it down? .. would it work out cheaper if i went on my mums policy when she renews it later this month or would that not make any difference. Arggh this is so stressful!



Insurance on a Mazda miata mx5?

Would it be considert a sports car? And how much would the insurance go up from a regular adult insurance?



Medical Cancer insurance?

my brother had cancer in the past. can he be covered by anyone now?? If he can what medical insurance?



Excluded driver totaled my new car. Does his property damage liability insurance pay for my car? Any advice?

Someone who was exluded from my car insurance drove my car yesterday and had an accident that was at his fault. He had only liability insurance with bodily damage, property damage and underinsured motorist protection. My insurance is not going to cover anything since he is an excluded driver. We live in TX, USA. Can my new wrecked car be considered as a property damage involved in that accident? The other vehicle and driver are OK, only small dent on the rear bumper, but my new car was totally destroyed, not driveable, my insurance refused even go to look and inspect. Schould I seek any legal help if his liability insurance refuses to pay? Is it possible to get any legal help in this situation? What to do and where to go? What to do with the car? It is still on the nearest to the accident parking lot. The property damage limit on his insurance is 25,000. I just bought my car few months ago for 20,000. Thank you for your time, I appreciate your help.



Does Michigan have extra cheap auto insurance?

I keep seeing all these advertisements for Michigan (obviously this only would apply if you live/have lived in Michigan) regarding certain loopholes for cheaper auto insurance.. ??



Car accident, how much for pain & suffering??

My sister & I were in a car accident & it was all the other person's fault. She sprained her shoulder, I got whippedlash & SEVERAL muscle strains in back/shoulders/neck. We both hurt, but w/work & the work I do for my nursing class it hurts my back even worse & I'm not giving up on what I do. How much can I actually get for pain & suffering from the insurance company?? Or do I need to contact a lawyer & sue the guy or would the process take too long for me to get anything out of it??



How much would car insurance cost?

im 18 going to be 19 the car i was looking at cost 29,155$ so since im young how much do you think the insurance would cost?



How to get cheap insurance for bike?

I'm 24 and trying to find cheap insurance for bike 125cc in Ireland. Can somebody help me please. I'm girl and having provisional driving licence. Thank you.



What does financial interest mean on certificate of currency on car insurance?

I'm using my car as security on a personal loan for my pilot training. The finance company have asked for a certificate of currency on my insurance policy. I can get one from the more



Where is good for recovery truck insurance?

hi can anyone help me .been searching for recovery truck insurance .but not having much luck .anyone send me a link or tell me a site that i can try please many thanks



Why am I getting quoted 11,000 for 1.0L third party only car insurance?

I am 17 years old (male) and have just passed my driving test. I was supposed to purchase a 2010 Citroen C1 5 door with a 1.0L engine today but had a look at the insurance first. This tiny, under powered pathetic excuse of a car is probably the most insurance friendly car I could think of yet on all the car insurance sites like go compare and confused the lowest quotes were 11,000. What am I doing wrong? I have been able to choose all the best stuff like locked in a garage at night, the highest excess, low annual mileage etc There is nothing in my details that would be counter productive for a low insurance quote. This is only third party as well, if I was to have a bump my car wouldn't even be covered! I need to be driving by christmas, I don't even care that much about what car I have to drive (hence the C1) as long as it isn't too old. Just anything that I will get a realistic quote on. Any advice? Maybe I am doing something wrong here. Thanks!



How do i find out the laws of car insurance policies in the state of RI?

If my insurance company in ri has totaled my car can my sales tax be refunded



Motorcycle insurance and licensing.?

I'm going to get a motorcycle, I'm wondering how much it will cost me to get a Class 6 license in BC, Canada, while I don't have one for cars. And also, how much do you think I will pay for insurance? Just the bare minimum, to keep me legal? Thanks...



Adding new auto insurance to my existing policy?

I live in Oklahoma, my wifes parents just cancelled all the kids auto insurance, I'm going to get my wifes insurance on my policy but I was wondering if we could add her brothers and sister to ours as well? They're young and are having a hard time paying bills the way it is. I thought if I put them on ours then they would get a little discount. They don't live with us. Is that a requirement? Any help would be appreciated, thanks.


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credit report telephone number


Against my religion to have health insurance?

I live in the US and it is against my religion to have health insurance. If I will be forced to buy Obamacare, it will disrespect my God and I will never be allowed entry to paradise. I don't want to ruin my mortal life and my afterlife. Am I exempt from buying Obamacare now since it's very intolerant and hateful to force a man of God like myself to purchase this health insurance?



Insurance question??

Could i have a vehicle put in my name (because i make the payments).And the insurance in my girlfriends name (because its cheaper) in the state of ky?



Insurance for 18 year old girl?

My daughters just passed her test would i be as much money having her on my own car insurance as she would be if she had her own car and was the main driver thanks in advance for any answers



How much does car insurance cost if you're under 21 in North Carolina?

Hi. I'm 20, female, turning 21 late next month and my mom is planning to ship her 1998 mercedes benz sedan to me (in NC) from california early next month. I went to a driving school when I was 17 and I have been driving ever since. I also do have a clean record. If I would want to have a full coverage, how much do you think will it be per month? And also, since I am turning 21 in a couple of weeks after the car itself arrives here, do you think it will cost me less? Thanks.



My car insurance wants to void policy?

I have a ford fester 3 doors that is insured with more than. My dad has a stroke and was getting worse as my mum or dad cannot drive I got a Peugeot 206 with 5 doors so that it would be easier for my mum and dad to get in and out of the car when taking them shopping, I also use the car when my partner is using my ford fester. My son (NAME DRIVER) uses my Peugeot 206 to go to and from college this is 3 days a week. Out of 7 days a week my son uses my Peugeot 3 days to do to college they are the only days he uses it. I use it the rest of the week. My son had a crash on the 30/09/2010 on the way home from college. The crash was not his thought as the car had just pulled out on him when the other car should have stopped. The car that crashed into his span the car around and smashed into the side of him, where the car has impacted him side (DRIVERS SIDE) the seat belt locked so my son had to climb out on the seat belt and get out the passenger side as the drivers door was smashed him. We have a witness and CCTV of what happened. When we called the insurance company (MORE THAN) they asked what happened and my son told them. They then said they will be in touch. That night we had to go to hospital as he is really has back, neck and wrist pains. It has not been 27 days since the crash and since then we have found out that we have been investigated for fraud has they are saying we lied about the amount of car in our house hold. My partner has 1 work van, 1 car that is on a classic insurance, and then I have 2 cars. When taking out the new insurance policy for my Peugeot I only said I have 1 car and that was the ford fester which I did, however is I was doing a new policy for me in my name I didt know I had tell them about other cars that my partner has. Now they are saying the under writer have sent u a letter saying if you pat 550 we will add the other card onto the policy and also change the name over to your sons name and u can say he is the main user. HE ANY THE MAIN USER 3 DAYS A WEEK HE USES IT THEN I USE IT THE REST. So they are kinds of bribing me? I own the car and brought it with my money and on the car registration document it says my name So if I say ok I will pay u the 550 the car does not belong to my son Cox it dont say his name of it.



Teenager driver and car insurance?

my stepson just got his learner's permit, he may be driving my husband's truck once in a while to learn, (I think he'll be driving mostly when he's at his mom's house), a mile here and a mile there. We have geico insurance, do we need to add him temporarily? i tried to look at our coverage and get a quote, but it won't let me without actually adding him as a driver. i'm not about to add him without a quote since he's only 16... way too young to be driving in my opinion, but that's another issue...



When is the correct time to drop her from my insurance?

Here's the situation. When the divorce papers were filed she had a job. She has since been laid off. The divorce does not require me to insure her. If i drop her though she has no insurance and no affordable way to get any. I have the financial means to cover her for month, but I'm concerned about the consequences. If something happened could the insurance company come back and charge me for everything since we weren't actually married?



If someone is living with my, gets in a car wreck without insurance, can I get sued?

That sounds weird, but with all the stupid laws out there, I thought I would ask because im facing this situation. I live in Washington state. My brother in law lives with us with my sister, and he recently got fired from his job. He pays no insurance, has no contracts with us, but lives here and uses my address as his own. He was talking about letting his car insurance go because he was no money. If this happens, and he gets in a wreck, can the person whom he hit come after my property? Or is my brother in law just screwed if that happens?



How is charging insurance based on age and gender NOT discrimination?

Car insurance and health insurance always use your age and gender for a basis on how much your charged along with other factors. How is this not discrimination?



Insurance for an 2008 xb?

if i get a loan for a car through a credit company order to get my insurance rate to go down can i put my dad as a driver? i mean as far as the dealer is concerned its paid cash since its paid with a check but my question is does my dad have to be on the loan to be the primary driver and me be secondary? or do i have to be primary..ive never been insured and in 22 and my dad cant buy the car because he has a pending social security!



What are some good cheap car auto insurance in the washington dc area for a 23 yr old female?

What are some good cheap car auto insurance in the washington dc area for a 23 yr old female?



Please I Need Help On My Car Insurance?

I just bought a car and i don't want to pay huge car insurance. Anybody care to help me out may be a recommendation of place i can get it a little bit cheap



Is there any way to get my health insurance to cover the cost of a body lift?

6'1 , 25 y/o male, spent the majority of the past 4 years dropping from 430lbs to a current 198lbs. The weight loss has left me with large amounts of sagging skin on my inner thighs, pelvis, abdomen, chest and upper arms. All of these areas are covered in large amounts of stretch marks as well, which leads me to believe these areas will never recover without surgery. Now my chest and arms are not nearly as big of an issue as working out at the gym has started to fill these areas in with muscle, but no amount of situps are tightening the skin around my abdomen, and no amount of leg exercises are firming up my inner thighs. Cardio actually seeems to make the issue worse as I lose even more weight. I've also begun to notice that the more the skin sags around my torso, the more my lower back hurts. Also, chafing on my inner thighs and buttocks makes cardio pardon the pun, but a pain in the ***. I know insurance companies don't like to cover cosmetic surgeries but there has to be something that can be done.Any ideas?



How much will my car insurance go up base on my accident?

I drive a 2002 Volkswagen passat I am 17 years old I slid on black ice and spun around causing me to hit a rock. My whole front bumper came off and one of my head lights. No other cars involved. (THANK GOD) I have State Farm insurance. I heard its gonna be about 3000 or more to get it fixed without the insurance company My deductible is 500 What do you suggest I do?



How much will my insurance go up after being charged with hit and run on a parked car?

I recently was charged with hit and run on a parked car (for the record I didn't realize I hit the car), there was hardly any damage at all to either car but I am wondering how much I can expect my insurance rates to go up. Over 100%? Hopefully I won't be convicted as I really didn't notice that I scuffed this cars bumper.



Where can I find an affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville area?

Where can I find an affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville area?



Will my car insurance go up drastically when I buy a new car?

I am looking to buy a new Honda, Accord in a few months and I was wondering how much my insurance will go up seeing how I am 18. Someone said it would be $3000 more a year so please help!!!!



Do i need insurance to title car?

do i need insurance in order to title the car to my name so i can sell it?







How much would insurance be on a 2005 Maserati Quattroporte for a 19 year old?

Clean driving record, driving for 3 years. Dads buying it but insurance will probably be mostly me, curious as to how much it would actually be?



Maturnity insurance?

do anyone know of any insurance that cover maturnity that will not cost an arm and a leg. my husband had good insurance and they had a lay off and friday is out last day with that insurance so does anyone know of any insurance for maturnity coverage that would be a great help.



How much is a moped? Test and insurance?

Struggling to afford a car, so looking at buying a mope until I have a decent wage to afford a car. How much would the test be and on average how much would insurance be?



Do insurance companies really have access to driving & traffic records if one's getting a new quote?

I don't have the best driving & traffic record, and have been driving without insurance for about 5 months now. However, when I called Progressive to a get a quote from them I lied about it all, they gave me an amazing quote!! I still haven't enrolled with them -plan to if all my pathetic lying goes through- but my concern is that my premiums will go up if they do have access to my driving, traffic and my previous insurance's records. Does anybody know if they are just bluffing about their access to these records? PLEASE HELP!



Health insurance options for a 20 year old student with no parental coverage?

I have recently had a medical issue and went to the ER. One visit racked me up over $2,000 of bills that I obviously can not pay. Now I am looking at options for health insurance, but more



What the best cheapest 1 day van insurance in uk?

goin fron newcastle to glasgow tommorw n need the cheapest van insurance for a couple days going 10am n wanna come back 10/11pm


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credit report telephone number


I would like to buy a car.How much is the price of the car insurance about? I am going to buy a 1300cc car.?

I would like to buy a car.How much is the price of the car insurance about? I am going to buy a 1300cc car.?



INSURANCE !!! any 17 years old insured ??

hi i wanna know any 17 year olds insured by themselves on wat car, how much they are paing and which insurer plz



How long can I not have insurance before my car is repossessed?

This month I am not going to able to pay my car insurance due to other bills coming up. If I cancel my policy this month how long will I have before they repo my car? I live in New Hampshire.



Question about Michigan auto insurance! URGENT!?

I have a son that has his drivers license and he doesn't have a car. He does NOT drive my car! Does he have to be on MY policy? If he's on my insurance it raises it 500 dollars for 6 months! HELP!



Can California Civil Code 827 be used to enforce mandatory renters insurance?

Recently my landlord sent tenants a letter stating we have to buy renter's insurance, stating that California Civil Code 827 allows them to do this. Looking it up, I see 827 is about rent increased, not renter's insurance (and nothing about anything being mandatory). When I signed the lease with them, I was not required to pay for renter's insurance, but they claim that terms have changed and now I am obligated to pay this, and if I don't, may destroy my credit. All because of Civil Code 827. Can they actually do this? Or is this letter some kind of tactic to coerce me into signing this document and providing insurance? Thanks!



Are fire insurance mandatory in California(near Los angeles)?

If a house is all paid for, is fire insurance still mandatory? If your house catches on fire and gets completely burned down, when does fire insurance pay you? Also how does fire insurance determine how much to pay you?



Car insurance- insurance not renewed.?

A month ago my car insurers send a letter saying my policy wouldn't be renewed when it ends in November. reason, there weren't dealing with the agency. now I have two cars, one having abs problem so wasn't driving it but was paying for both. Am getting a new insurance company but wouldnt add the problem car till I get money to repair it. its not driven and want to save that wasted money to repair it. Am I right.



Will a citation for rolling through a stop sign raise my insurance?

I live in PA and just got my first ticket. I was driving in my neighborhood and was in a rush and I just rolled through a stop sign. I know it was wrong and stupid of me but I didn't think much of it. I am a teen driver and my insurance is high as it is, will this foolish mistake raise my insurance?



Does anyone know who is the cheapest for insurance for piaggio zip 50cc scooter?

Does anyone know who is the cheapest for insurance for piaggio zip 50cc scooter?



Car insurance does it realy go up?

if your cars red does your car insurance price go up and if its a two door sports car does it go up?



Someone reversed into my car, is it better to go through maaco instead of insurance? its jus ta minor scratch?

i was at a stop sign and i was abou tthe 4th car, well the 3rd car decided to reverse to leave and backed up and hit the front of my car. its not really that bad but its still a big scratch. is it best to just have her pay my estimate at maaco? or deal with insurance? i don't want to get jacked up insurance rates because someone doesn't know how to reverse.



Car insurance in California?

I heard that if you have a car insured in California, each additional car that you acquire that's registered has 30 days before it needs to be insured. Is this correct? If so, where can I find the official documentation?



How does health insurance work - when insurance premium can generally increase?

If family of two have health insurance, and one of them decide to use it for couple medical procedures will insurance policy premium go up? Please advice. Thanks.



State Farm Renters Insurance: Explain Replacement Cost Coverage to me?

From what I understand, if a claim had to be filed, I would receive the current value of an item. For instance, I have a pair of $500 shoes. They are currently priced at $450, so the pay-out would be $450 and $500, correct?. Okay, so here are my two questions: 1) Would I be bound to REPLACE the lost item? Or would they give you the current cash value to buy whatever it is that you wanted to buy? 2) Are there no such policies that exists out there: a policy that would pay you what you INITIALLY paid for an item? So that one wouldn't lost out financially in the event that an item depreciates? If I'm wrong about any of the above, or if you think I need to be sure to clarify certain things with my agent, please let me know. Thanks.



Can I insure a vehicle on my insurance policy in a state other than where it is registered?

I am not the registered owner, my father is. He is retired and he owns a home in California where he lives most of the time. He visits us 3-4 times a month in Nevada but otherwise has no legal residence here. For his convenience he financed a car from an NV dealership to use here. The dealership told him since he does not own a home here he must register it in the state of CA for at least the first year. The vehicle does not travel back and forth and will be garaged here in NV. He has given me permission to use the vehicle for my daily 30 mile commute. If the car is registered and insured by him in CA, will I be able to insure the car on my NV policy as well?



Since we pay for car insurance in case sh-t happens, shouldn't we get that money back if sh-t doesn't happen?

Car insurance is the biggest rip-off ever. I hate paying it. Sooo in case stuff happens, insurance takes care of it but then your rates go up!?! WTF? So if nothing goes wrong for a full year, shouldn't we get our money back?



How much car insurance will rise after an aciddent?

I'm 23 years old, and currently paying $100 per month on my car insurance. But earlier today I crash into the guard rail by mistake. I have a clean driving (no ticket ever) record with only 4 other accident prior to it. I guess my car would take maybe $1000 to fix but I'm not sure how much my insurance rate will increase. I'm thinking that if I were to pay for the entire damage instead of paying a $500 deduction would not increase my rate.



Getting my own car, insurance and registration.?

I'm getting my own car, but I don't have a license yet. So I was just wondering should I put it under my dad's name first? And also the registration and insurance. Should it be under my dad's name first or can I put it under my name? They were thinking about getting the insurance for me because it would be cheaper but would it be possible for them to get the insurance if the car is under my name?



I need help finding a dentist or really cheap insurance?

I dont have very much income what I make goes out for bills automatically and I really need to go to the dentist. Can anyone tell me of a cheap insurance that I could get that wont take 6 months to kick in.



Cheaper insurance car under 25 years?

what is cheaper incurance car under 25 years



Cheap insurance companies in Calgary Alberta?

What is a good cheap insurance companies in Calgary, Alberta?



Where can I get affordable car insurance?

I am a female driver who has had a full licence for over 20 years, but I do not have any No Claims and I have 9 points on my licence. The points are for no insurance and having a defective tyre, nothing which reflects badly on my driving. Does anyone know of an insurance company that will not use this to increase the cost to an unaffordable amount.



I'm having trouble trying to get under my dads insurance policy?

I've just gotten my license and found a car I was going to buy so I called my Dad's insurance company to try to get under his policy. However they said I cannot go under his policy because she knows that I will be the primary driver as well as the fact that my dad is already the primary driver for two other cars. Without my dad my insurance rate is around $4500/yr. My dad does not speak english very well so I have to do the calling and talking. What should I say and do so I can get under my dads insurance policy?



What is the relationship between the MOT & car insurance?

My daughter had an accident whilst without an MOT. She has fully comp insurance but as her car was stationary and she was hit from behind and she has an independent witness. The other driver's insurance will have to pay. But does her not having an MOT present any problems? Thanks.



Car insurance for teen help?

So am buying a car and my parents don't have a driver license But i Do But i am only 17 which makes the insurance a lot . So my moms friend said he would put me under his insurance but he isn't Driving but he has a valid new your license . So is there a way for me to be under his insurance with the title of the car in my name ? or does it have to be in his name does he add me to the policy as a Additional driver & The car Or just me alone and not the car ? what would happen if i get pulled over and the title is in his name ?


credit report telephone number

credit report telephone number


How much will it cost to insure my house cleaning business?

How much will it cost to insure and bond my house cleaning business? I have been running it solo for the last 6 months so I didn't to get bonded or anything, but I will be hiring 2-3 employees within the next month. How much can I expect the insurance and the bond to cost? And, for extra credit, what is the best type of insurance to get? I run it out of my home, if that makes a difference.



How reliable is erie auto insurance?

How reliable is erie auto insurance?



Average motorcycle insurance cost for 18 yr old with 2007 yamaha yzf-r1?

Average motorcycle insurance cost for 18 yr old with 2007 yamaha yzf-r1?



Can my parents add me to their car insurance?

My parents have Allstate car insurance. I have my own car registered in my name. I live with them. Can they add me to their car insurance?



Where can I get free health insurance in San Diego,California?

I need health insurance, but can not afford any because of bills, and paying off college. I realy have alot of health problems, but have no money to fix them, I need free health insurance fast. Please help.



People that live in miami only, car insurance problem :(?

me and my boyfriend r trying to move out, its really necesary because my parents r moving far and if i go with them i cant see him again, anyways we have enough money, we both have more



Cheap car to insure mpg above 25?

Looking for a car that you may have had experience with that is cheap to insure, with decent mpg. I was looking at '95 and '97 civics because they are older and I thought might be cheaper to insure and get pretty good mileage from what Ive heard. Mainly looking 4 doors not too shabby low insurance and decent mileage. Thanks in advance for responses everyone



The cheapest life insurance policy?

I would like the cheapest life insurance policy but also the best possible premiums



What would be the most inexpensive insurance for me?

Im looking to buy a car. I don't know what kind yet because I don't want to get a car that's going to have me with really high insurance. I'm 19. I don't really know much about all this . Any and All advice would help . Thanks :)



Car insurance Question?

I was driving my friends car. I hit someone. It was my fault. My friend has insurance but I dont know what kind of coverage. I was driving her car because she needed to borrow my truck. If her insurance doesnt cover her damage should I help her pay for it even though I was doing her a favor by borrowing my truck?



Should I get health insurance?

I'm going to be 18 in a few months and I'm trying to figure out if it'll be cheaper to get health insurance or not get health insurance. I'm on 3 prescriptions, every 3 months I have to get an MRI and CT scan, and every 6 months, I visit my eye doctor. Would it be cheaper to have health insurance and pay them monthly or just pay the doctor bills on my own? Sources?



Its cheaper to lease a new 2011 Jaguar then buy Auto Insurance?

Hey, I'm 16 (going onn 17) and I want a 1999 Mustang convertible (base, no GT or Cobra) I am a Male and my insurance is $500.00 a month... HOLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How do I lower it? PS: How is it possible Insurance companies judge on gender? I thought that was illegal now, I thought all our rights were equal?



I need a good car insurance company I have 6 points and a chapter 7 in my credit report?

I have two cars one needs full coverage $500.00.00 list, the car is a 2002 ford explorer and the other one is a 1992 dodge spirit /liability only. If you know about an insurance company that gives good coverage for a decent price let me know my current policy is $166.20 a month.



Car insurance question.?

I'm working on transferring my current car insurance to Geico and am filling out the electronic form to get a quote. My car is brand new, and I have had it for like eight months. I don't know much car insurance; in the electronic form, what coverage do I pick for full insurance instead of liability? Thanks.



Whats a good car insurance company?

hi im a 22 soon to be 23 year old male trying to buy a used 2004 or 2005 honda accord lx for 8 to 9000 dollars....what is the cheapest good insurance company i can go for and how much would i might have to dish out????



Car insurance?!!HELPPPP?

I'm from Chicago, IL. i don't know how Chicago road law operate so i hope u guys will help me out a bit.i just found out that my car insurance had stop it coverage with me for the last 3 month for whatever reason. I just called them today to reopen up my account again and the new insurance card is being sent home. today Can i still drive my car even if i don't have a actually insurance card in the car? if a police does stop me and ask for my insurance, can i say that it's being mail home and if he/she don't believe me, they can called my insurance agent??



22y/o tourists getting car insurance in the US?

My mate and I are hoping to tour across the U.S. to celebrate graduation. Starting in one place and driving to another, so we'll have to buy the car (he's staying over there), and we want to get insured on it. However, we're 22 y/o Brits and I've heard that can be difficult. Google just feeds me lots of car rental insurance stuff; how would it work in the US if we wanted to buy the car there? Do you guys have any advice?



Car Insurance COMPANY?




What is the cheapest and best health insurance out there for a single fella?

What is the company's name and what would I have to pay on a monthly basis? Thank you and good day!



Does my car insurance go up if I got a speeding ticket out-of-province?

So I have an Ontario license and I got a speeding ticket (15mph over - 24km/h over) in NY near the border. Keeping in mind that this is my very first traffic ticket: 1. How much am I likely to pay? 2. Does it affect my insurance? 3. (I don't really care cause this probably won't happen again) Do I lose any points?



Cheapest car insurance for learner?

Best car for male 17 year old ?



Will my car insurance decrease every year?

I am in my first year with my car insurance in Ontario. Please tell me how it works. By the end of every year, will they re-calculate my insurance rate or keep it the same? Providing I have accident- and ticket-free history, will I be paying lower every year or not?



How much will insurance go up for a 17 yr old female with 6 months driving experience in an accident?

Accident was her fault. She rear ended a truck. The truck wasnt hurt at all but the car was totaled pretty much. Ticket was failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident. What is a rough estimate of how much insurance will go up for her?



Do I automatically have to get car insurance right after I get my license?

I'm 18, I live with my parents...In order for me to get my license my mom wants me to pay for car insurance (since I'll be under her name) which is understandable, but I don't have a car yet, and I just want my license in case of an I won't even be driving around her car rarely. She told me that even if I wanted to get my license and not get car insurance yet, I can't because I live in her house?? Does that sound right? Can't I just get my license without car insurance until I actually have my own car?



Motorcycle Insurance?

I would like to purchase a motorcycle this summer, something between 500 CC and 650 CC. I was wondering what my insurance rate would be. I am 19 years old and currently pay 2000 a year for my 06 Subaru Impreza. I have a clean driving record and currently have nationwide insurance.


credit report telephone number

credit report telephone number

three types of credit reports

three types of credit reports

three types of credit reports


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Homeowners insurance????

Can anyone give me some good companies for homeowners insurance? What do you use? What is the average monthly payment for the policy? I need this info - I will be closing on a house in a few weeks and need to get homeowners insurance. I'd like a cheap policy so my monthly payment will be lower. (I might increase later). Thanks!!!



21st Century, mainly for the reduced rates with the same as other carriers?

21st Century Insurance Company is a quality, affordable carrier for automobile ... At 21st Century Insurance Company, we understand how complicated buying auto insurance can be....I'm thinking of switching my auto insurance from GEICO to 21st Century, mainly for the reduced rates with the same coverage. Anyone has any experience with ...for a quote go to



Life insurance for 18 year old?

My daughter will be 18 this year & she wants to know if she needs life insurance. She lives at home with us,is in 6th form at school (UK) & has no responsibilites like mortgage etc.She has a Saturday job so does work. It doesn't sound like she does, but my husband & I are not sure. Any advice? Thanks.



Insurance and meds HELP Please?

Any advice would be helpful first my story I have meds that cost $1000 every month. I need insurance I have not had insurance since Peach-care about 3 years ago My job offers insurance for $2.50 a week my jobs insurance covers everything but my meds I get my meds for free with a prescription saving program I only make around $900 a month If I get my company insurance I no longer qualify for my free med program Any advice? I miss Peach-care they covered $100% of everything for only a few dollars. Is their any insurance that would cover 100% of my meds and dental, vision etc for no more than $100 a month?



Insurance for teen when borrowing parents car?

My parents and i are very confused on whether I need to put on my parents insurance policy since i am technically borrowing their car. All of the people my parents have talked to have said that i don't and that they never did for their kids and it was fine. When my mom called about my sister they told her that she HAD to be put on their policy and that I could not receive my license until I was put on the policy. I am 16 and my sister is 18 and it would cost around $750 per month more to insure us. Do we need it if we are borrowing my parents car? Thanks:)



Do i have to keep paying insurance on a scrapped car? My insurance runs out in August.?

I am planning to scrap my car next week but my insurance runs out in August. Am I legally expected to continue paying for it or can i cancel it?



Suggest a good insurance company?

I want to buy a insurance plan for my stock and machinery. Please suggess a good insurance company.



Wats the cheapest insurance in oklahoma?

Wats the cheapest insurance in oklahoma?



Cheapest insurance for a 05 ford mustang?

am 19year old and have my licenses for 2 years. a also financing the car.



What happens when a car insurance company commits fraud? Please help!!?

I was told by my car insurance that my car was totaled, and would only be good for parts. It was in a MINOR flood, and I called to have it evaluated. They said water was in the motor, fuse boxes, everything was ruined supposedly. I knew they were lying, because I had my fiance check it all out, and there wasn't a drop in it except for the carpeting. I told them so, and said I wanted the car back to fix it myself, but the adjustor said they already paid my bank for the damage (not even the full amount, they came up with about 45% of the payoff amount, but it was worth what I owed on it). They said if I wanted it back, I would have to give them $2,700 for the car. I said to hell with it, and had to come up with 2,600 to pay off the remaining part of the loan, and then go buy another car. Last year, I seen my car in the next town over. Same vin number, same paint chipped bumper, same fist mark behind the passenger door. I was mad, but blew it off. Then, I seen it on a buy sell trade site and decided to inquire about the details. The guy bought it for $800 and didn't have to fix anything on it except for what I needed to fix before the flood (window regulator, wheel baring, and new tires). He told me he thought I had committed insurance fraud to get a pay out from them. So, I called my old insurance company, and the lady took all my information down and gave me the adjustor's number, the adjustor's supervisor's number, and the fraud department's number. I called the adjustor, left a message, and then filed a claim with the fraud department. They said to expect a call from them next week. What exactly happens in a case like this?? I don't expect a hefty payout or anything, but still, I've never known anyone who had this happen to them, but I do know people who committed insurance fraud. They get into huge trouble and pay out fines, but what if its the INSURANCE that commits fraud? Thanks!!



Insurance question for Louisiana residents?

Do you need to have insurance as soon as you get your drivers license, even if you dont own a car and are not currently driving?



How much cheaper is a hospital visit wit health insurance?

i'm trying to decide if i should get health insurance, my job does not offer this, is it worth getting insurance?



Car insurance can be annoying.?

heres the situation... my boyfriend and i recently broken up.we are having our first child together,im 20 hes 23.we both decided to go in an get a new car for me,but since his credit was a lil better then i.his name was first as in the car belonged to him,and i became cosigner.i make the car payments,and pay half insurance.his responsibility was to pay for the other half insurance,and now that were not together,hes not willing to pay.well at first he said he wasnt willing he i able to refinance the car and put it in my name,and insurance.i dont want him to think he can pay when he wants or not,becuse were not together im trying to find ways,so that car is mine,and he has no way of taking it or what not.i need it not just for me,but for our child.any advice?



What is cheap insurance if you have a sr-22 or tickets or suspension.?

What is cheap insurance if you have a sr-22 or tickets or suspension.?



What is the cheapest car insurance you can buy?

Age 20's, I want to buy cheapest insurance possible. I don't care about coverage for myself, I just want it legal to drive.



Please Recommend Cheap & Hassle Free Car Insurance?

I am looking for cheap car insurers that DO NOT - Ask to see license sent through the post or does not check records with the DVLA or has the option to refuse. Please only recommend if you use yourself or know someone who does. No reviews please, just insurers that don't check at the start of the policy. My initial thought was Tescogood or bad idea? 10 points today for most relevant answer. Thanks!



How much does liability insurance cost? How much coverage do I need?

I am planning a day camp this august. I know I need to purchase liability insurance just in case, but how much do I need? There will be a maximum of 140 girls, 55 leaders, and 30 younger siblings (of leaders), (thats 225 people). The minumum would be roughly 50 girls, 25 leaders, and 10 siblings... I just need a guestimate as I am working on the budget and am trying to figure out how much to charge the attendees.Also, how much coverage do I need?



How can i get insurance for myself like not for a car?

my friend said he has insurance for himself so he can drive any car and be insured he doesn't have it for a specific car how can i get this



Crashed fathers car, i have open insurance, car is still insureed in guys name bought car from?

hi bought car, put it in my fathers name, before got chance to insure it, some lady totally at fault(for the accident) crashed into me. father has no insurance on car but he is the registered owner. the guy i bought the car off never cancelled his insurance on the car but was not the registered owner when i crashed. i have another policy on another car that says i have open insurance so long as the car is insured. well the car is insured but is the insurance void since seller is no longer the registered owner of the car. am i insured. thx for your time



How does car insurance determine how much my insurance will go up?

I was recently involved in a car accident, its my fault, my first time in 15years of driving. They will probably total the other car involved since the car only cost $900 kbb. The damage on my SUV in the lower right bumper, i have little misaligned on my hood and scratch on my headlight, I was thinking of just getting my bumper fixed so it wont cost my insurance company too much. I guess my main question is, does it matter how much my insurance pays for all the damages, is this how they determine how much my insurance premium will go up? will it be the same if i just get everything fixed? thanks



I want to get an insurance quote and i have a DUI?

I need to get an insurance quote but i have a DUI (reduced to a reckless driving) i have a terrible driving record I was born Nov.12 1989 do you think that would make my insurance quotes higher?



Do auto insurance companies actually confirm the info you provide for the quote?

After requesting a quote online, you anto insurance companies actually confirm that all the info u gave are true? For example; moving violations, actual address? Does the DMV verify this info?



Car Insurance - Excess and Premiums after a bump?

I am asking this on behalf of someone else, not sure which ins company with but the scenario is- reversed out of a space and made a dent in this guys car- swap details and he has rung to say cost for repairs will be 500 quid. IT IS going through on insurance so we know its all legit and he cant mess us about. The excess on the car ins policy is 500 and the claim is for about 500. Will the insurance company just bill me that? As they will be paying the full amount of the claim, will it affect the premiums alot? (20 yr old male, pass less than a year!)



How much is car insurance for 16 year old male?

How much is car insurance for 16 year old male?



I'm 17 and have car insurance that i have to pay 240 every month. I live in philadelphia is there cheaper ones?

i got a 2000 ford taurus and my mom bought insurance since she doesn't have a car herself we had to get my own insurance plan and now we have to pay 240 every month because of my age..i need to know of any cheaper insurance for myself. plz and thank you.


three types of credit reports

three types of credit reports


How can I find affordable healthcare coverage for my employees.?

I have a small business, 5 employees and my rates are outragous!!! Please let me know how I can provide this benefit for my employees without spending so much. Thank you for any more



How much is insurance if you're 19 to 20 years old?

im planning on getting a car in a few months and i'm just curious how much i have to put out for insurance on a coupe car years from around 2000 to 2006. and how much less would it cost if i had my parents to buy it and just put my name under the insurance?



What is the best Car Insurance ? HELP!!!?

Okay so I am a first time Driver and will be getting my first car really soon between next month and May. But first I need help on finding the right insurance especially one that's not really high for a first time driver also I need some tips on things I need to have when I get my car , tags & titles , registration. I need to know everything possible that I need to know when buying my first car and actually keeping up with it .



Cheap car insurance?

i am trying to find car insurance that is cheap. i have tried geico and progressive and all the major ones. does anyone know of some off the wall cheapies?



Insurance 2006 Eclipse?

What would the insurance be for my 17 year old sister who wants to buy a 2006 mitsubishi eclipse. A student, good driver, took all the classes in school.



How do you get what you need with no medical insurance?

Hello. I am 25, recently kicked my roomate (ex boyfriend) out of my apartment, and am having to switch jobs in order to make more money. The new job surprisingly offers decent health and dental, and I am going to get it asap. But as everyone knows, it takes a good long while. I am entering a new relationship and need to get on the pill so I can have sex without making babies lol. Does anyone know of any decent, somewhat affordable options?



Where is the cheapest place to get Auto Insurance? In Canada?

New truck - need help.. :D ty



Do you need motorcycle insurance in Georgia?

do you need motorcycle insurance in Georgia



How much would a convertible raise my insurance?

I'm 16 and my parents are thinking of getting me a convertible. I'm just curious as to how much insurance would charge us extra per month (ON AVERAGE) since the car is a convertible?? By the way, its a Chrysler Sebring Thanks for your help!!



Car insurance estimate for a 18 year old?

Does anyone have an idea of what car insurance would cost for a 18 year old insuring a '92 Isuzu Rodeo? I've gotten one speeding ticket (10km over) in the past year. And I don't have a specific insurance company I'm asking about, just in general. Thank you!



Affordable Life Insurance at 80?

Please help me find an affordable life insurance at 80 years of age to life. Thank you, Lily



Help finding affordable health care for an individual 24 year old female in college part time and working.?

I am a 24 year old female in a community college (my 3rd semester) I am not full time because I am working as a waitress to survive outside of school. I have looked all over the internet and the quotes I have gotten have actually made me laugh. 520, 250, 300 a month for health insurance are you kidding? I have to pay 500 hundred dollars for health insurance a month? That is almost my rent. This is ridiculous! I really need to get a doctor and more then that I need a dentist. I grew up with a single father and I have only been able to go to the dentist once because his work did not provide health care unfortunately. I am not trying to come off as bitching but this is really frustrating to me. :o( Can someone please send a website with an affordable New York health insurance? I would really appreciate it. Thanks! :o/



How much would small business insurance be?

This is for a marketing assignment. The business is a small gardening and cooking school for children. There are about 8 staff and activities should be pretty safe, since they're aimed at young people. The business is just starting out. What the instructions mention is: damage 2. public liability 3. vehicle 4. theft 5. personal disability 6. professional indemnity Kids hire their own bus to come here and staff ust use their own cars to go to and from work, so does the vehicle thing need to be included? The building is just a suburban rental property that costs us $400 rent each week. Also, this is just a minor part of the assignment, so a guess is fine. Thanks for any help!



Do i need to add extra car insurance?

Hello. My father has a BMW and i am 16. When i am 17 i want to share the BMW with my father. My father has insurance on the car already. Its a full cover insurance. When i am 17 do i need to add extra insurance to the car or do i just leave it as it is? Do i need to add my name along with my dads name to the owner of the car?



How much would car insurance be ?

I was just wondering how much insurance would be im 17 a girl (ive heard insurance is cheaper for girls) and about to start my lessons but was just wondering what the insurance cost is on a fiat cinquecento or a vauxhall corsa (which model of vauxhall corsa is the cheapest?) I live in a fairly rural area would this make any difference to the insurance cost ? Would it be cheaper to maybe go on my parents insurance ??? Also what insurance company is the cheapest? Please please please someone help :L



What do I do if a car insurance company overpays on a claim?

My parked car was hit last week. The gentleman who hit it gave me his information, and his insurance company assessed the damage and wrote me a check to pay for its repair. When I took the car to the Toyota shop it will be repaired at, the worker analyzed the car and the report filed by the insurance agent. He said that one of the repairs was not completely necessary. If I choose not to get everything on the insurance report fixed, what do I do with the extra money? Can I keep it, or do I have to return it to the insurance company? Can I get into trouble if I do not return it in a timely fashion?



How do i add my name to someone else's car insurance?

A friend of mine is willing to teach me to drive in their car. I know you have to add your name to the insurance but don't know how to or how much it will cost. Any info will be greatly apprieciated thanks



Friend on my car insurance?

I have a friend (age 21+) who needs to get a car insurance but she only has a learner's permit and she cannot get an insurance herself. She has a car under her name. I am willing to add the car to my insurance and have her as a secondary driver. What are the risks I have? Am I, first of all, allowed to add a car which I do not own? Does my insurance premium go up if she gets into accident?



Does anyone know in detail what no fault car insurance is?

I am having a problem understanding no fault car insurance. Can somebody explain how it works?



Car accident without insurance but not at fault?

car accident without insurance but not at fault car parked in driveway and other car swerved into drive way and hit my car can I sue them , there was a witness, and a police more



Car insurance? Who is covered? Who is responsible?

Okay I had a question about car insurance... I am on my grandfather's car insurance plan- I live with my boyfriend. I believe I am the only one insured to drive the car....My boyfriend's mother and step-father don't have a car right now and often times ask to borrow my car- I've been letting them until it was brought to my attention that they may not be covered in that car? Does this mean I would be responsible for anything that happened? Or would they? If another car was at fault for the accident what would happen? Anyone know how this works?



Will my car insurance go up?

I pulled out in front of someone and they rear ended me and im at fault..and iam 17 years old so will my insurance go up, and if so how much? i have state farm



Will my son be turned down for insurance?

I have an autistic son, and I have decided he needs better hospital insurance than what he has (I have regular health insurance, but his hospital coverage is not great). So I applied for extra hospital insurance. Aside from being pretty severely autistic, he's physically a pretty healthy kid, no major problems, no ongoing treatment. However, recently he needed to have a dental procedure, and they decided it was best that it be done in the hospital, and that he be fully knocked out. A few years back, he also needed to be knocked out for an MRI (he had a seizure, but none since). Anesthesia is expensive, and when he had the dental procedure, it maxed out the hospital coverage on my current plan and I got stuck with a $9000 bill. Hence, the decision for better hospital insurance. When applying for health insurance, they do 5 year medical records check, and those two things are going to come up. What's going to happen... Will I have higher premiums? will they refuse to cover anything they deem is caused by his autism? Or will they flat out reject him? Or will it not be a problem?



Americans. What cars do you normally have as your first Cars. As a cheap car with cheap insurance?

I was just wonderng What kind of cars American tennagers ahve for there first Cars I might think of importing one



Lapsed insurance....?

ok so basically i sideswiped someone the other day and my insurance was lapsed, but their insurance is going to cover it but send me the bill right.... so how does that work?


three types of credit reports

three types of credit reports


Whats the cost of insurance for a 16 yr old ?

i'm 16 and i wanted to know how much would it cost for insurance ?



Will my dads car insurance raise after I get my drivers license?

I probably worded the question wrong but my dad won't take me to drivers training school because he's worried about his car insurance rate (or something like that) going up. I'm 15 and all of my friends have done it a long time ago. I'm the only one that hasn't started it and I even explained to him that once I start driving, I don't have to keep asking him about needing a ride to practice or meetings (because I know that bothers him) but he's still bothered about his insurance rate going up. Is that even true?? Will the car insurance rate or whatever he's talking about go up after I get my permit?? Thanks!



How to get cheaper car insurance?

Im 17 and looking to buy a ford ka. I have looked at quotes online with me as the main driver and using my parents as named drivers to try and lower the premium but the cheapest i have found on price comparison sites is 2100 for the year. I was wondering if anyone could help me and knew anything that could reduce the payment. Many thanks for your time, sam.



How much would an urgent care visit cost with out insurance for strep throat?

I live in California, and I have strep throat. I know that OTC don't work to cure this so I need to go to urgent care. I'm most likely going to go to please!



What will happen if I drive without car insurance and get caught?

I drive my parents Grand Prix every once in a while, but i do not ever drive the ford expedition. I asked my stepfather will it be okay for me to drive back to college, he said no. He said that it will cost to much to add me on at this point. My mom does not want me to drive sometimes, because she think my license will be revoked or I would have to pay a large fine. I want to have a car on campus, because I do not like being stuck their mostly throughout the week, even though the semester is about over. Is it a good idea to drive without car insurance.



How much $ does Geico Auto Insurance cover for car theft?

How much do these companys normally cover for auto theft? what % of the cars value?



Do you shop around for insurance i hope you do,, yes ,or do you stick with one company?

reason for question a certain very good online company that gets you lots of quotes showed( for the same details given) a difference of 1200 in the quotes. that was from approx 300 to approx 1500. how can this be justified. i know that the excess amounts are different It was a quote for my father and his car not me.



Will my car be inspected by my insurance company even if I don't claim myself in an accident?

I want to lower my car and camber my wheels, however my car insurance will not let me untill I am 25. I know if my insurance company find out, my car insurance will be void. Under what circumstances will my car be inspected? Will it be inspected If I don't claim? I don't mind not claiming on my car because the value of it is only about 400



How much typically does car insurance cost per year if i'm a first time driver and car is brand new?

How much typically does car insurance cost per year if i'm a first time driver and car is brand new?



Can anyone recommends a good and cheap car insurance in CA? Thanks

Can anyone recommends a good and cheap car insurance in CA? Thanks



What is the cheapest car insurance for women college students?

19 year old female. 1999 Toyota 4runner



Does anyone know how much your car insurance will go up on a 1st offence dui???

Does anyone know how much your car insurance will go up on a 1st offence dui???



How is being required to buy health insurance any different than being forced to buy car insurance?

I know people are saying it's unconstitutional for the government to make us buy health insurance, but states already force you to buy car insurance. Wouldn't that be unconstitutional, too? I'm not trying to be a Smart Alec or anything. I seriously want to know the logic behind how people feel.



Average price for public libility insurance?

Average price for public libility insurance?



How do you handle car insurance on a road trip with multiple drivers?

I'm going on a road trip from Canada to the US, and we have four people driving (including the owner of the car). Since any accident (no matter the driver) will impact the insurance of the car owner, what's the best way to deal with an accident? Driver agrees to pay direct costs associated, if anything were to happen? (though it may still impact their car insurance premiums in the long term?) Pre-pay an informal fee like $100, and if an accident happens you are absolved? If no accident, then it's free money for the car owner? How do you equitably handle it? The trip hasn't happened yet, but I figure it's best to iron out issues now rather than when it actually happens, then we become bitter enemies.



New Car, Driver's Test, Proof of Insurance?

My Dad bought me a car about three days ago and the dealership said they will insure the car for 14 days while my dad gets insurance through his company. I might take my driver's test tomorrow and I want to use this car for it. If I show the dmv the insurance papers the dealership gave me, will that count as proof of insurance for my road test? Thank you.



Why the heck does car insurance make you pay more...?

when you call to file a claim? Like, why do they raise your rates when you call them to use their services that you're already paying for? Someone pryed the emblem off my friends car and he said if he claimed it on insurance his rates would raise just because he claims it. What's up with that?



Hayabusa Mini Insurance. (Kit car?)?

I am a young driver and I was hoping to buy a Mini with a Hayabusa engine from someone like Z-Cars. I have heard that some people have got cheap insurance for them. I have heard of a 17 year old who had just passed his test got insured for a hayabusa mini for 1500 which is cheap for a 17 year old. I was just wondering if there is anyone has insured a Hayabusa or similar Mini for road use. If so how much was it and from which insurance company? Thanks



Will I be paying two deductibles or one for two car accidents different insurances?

Hi, Today I hit a car that is of a stranger and we exchanged information about each other's insurance. That person's insurance company and mine are different. We didn't more



Health Insurance?

anybody got any good advice am looking for health insurance my husband retires soon and we will need to get our own Health insurance. looked at blue cross and health partners but it so expensive anyone no anyone more affordable ty for any info.



Can I buy motorcycle insurance for one month and cancel?

I'll be going away for college in a little over a month and I wanted to insure my motorcycle to I can ride it for the remainder of the summer. If I only want insurance for one month, should I just tell them that, or buy coverage with monthly payments and stop paying after the first month? Also, if I just stop paying, will this make it harder to get coverage from them in the future?



How much would it cost for a 16 year old with a 91-93 300zx tt?

How much would the insurance be for a 16 year old to have a 91-93 300zx twin turbo? in alabama



Cheapest young driver car insurance?

i done endsleigh, i-kube, go compare, zura (or w/e), aa, swift, any i havent heard of that specialise i have googled specialist young driver insurance (had licence 3 months and im 18) Male



What is the best motorcycle insurance to purchase?

I have a motorcycle, and I'm looking to find insurance. I took the basic riders course that offers insurance discounts. What is the best and most affordable motorcycle insurance to get? P.S. My car insurance company doesn't offer motorcycle insurance



Do I use car insurance or health insurance in a car accident?

I had a car accident (three cars)last week, my car was the fist car ( third car hit second car's back and second car hit my car's back). Although the second car had serious damage and my car's bumper had minor damage, but we didn't call the police. I felt my neck, shoulder and back painful in the first day when I woke up. after 5 days, i don't feel any back pain, but i still feel painful from my neck and shoulder. Do I consider about hire a lawyer (minor car damage)? If I don't find a lawyer, how can I ask the driver to pay my med bills? Do I use my health insurance first then claim the driver's car insurance company? or pay by cash first? what kind of doctor I need to see? Thanks


three types of credit reports

three types of credit reports


What do liquor liability insurance papers look like?

Like if you need to confirm that you have it, what do you show people?



What are the pros and cons of cancer insurance?

Please help I'm am writting a research paper nd I need help for cancer insurance ..



What a rough estimate of what it would cost me to insure a fifth-wheel?

I'm going to be in it full-time. It's 36 feet, purchase price: $32K (it's a 2001 model). Anyone have *any* idea? How many people insure their fifthwheels? I'm going to have a truck (buying a 2002 that's going to need insurance as well. Argh. Trying to figure out what I can afford, with regard to trailer and truck (and park fees etc...) Thanks so much!



3-car accident, what will insurance do?

I was in a 3 car accident, I was the middle car. It's stop and go traffic at a red light, the line is backed up a good way, and the person in front of me stops. I stop behind them, but the man behind me doesn't stop. He hits me and pushes my car into her car. His car seems to be flawless, the vehicle he knocked me into also seems unharmed, maybe a scratch on the bumper (it was like a jeep or explorer, so my car went up under hers a little) and the front of my car is a little messed up. The police will file an accident report, but while I wait, what can I expect? I'm expecting his insurance to cover the repairs to my car, because this was in no way my responsibility, he hit me into her, I was more or less a ragdoll vehicle. Yes, I hit her, but it's not because I'm a bad driver, I cannot control being hit into another vehicle during a line at a red light. And though it was never mentioned (I was a little shaken, my mind wasn't clear), I am almost certain he was on his phone because he was looking down and doing something when I looked back after he hit me. It's too late to mention that, but yeah. Got the registration and insurance for it 3 hours before I wrecked. Had the car a week.



Wife and I separated, why she want me sign an auto insurance exclusion form ?

My wife and I are separated. she keep changing insurance. she brought her own car its in her name. We live in different towns.she trying to insured in only in her name, she told them she was married so she wants to qualifies for the discounted married rate. an exclusion form need signed and wants me to sign it. i have my car in my name only as single rate with perfect records.



How much do insurance rates go up after a minor claim?

Someone backed into my bumper, and I'm wondering if I should make a claim for it. I don't mind a $10-20 dollar increase, but anything more & I'd rather just pay for it myself.



How can i get cheaper car insurance at 17?

How can i get cheaper car insurance at 17?



Can I get a loan for a car but put the car in someone else's name?

So I need a new car mine is totally done for and I wanted to get a loan for a car but my insurance will be crazy high, my boyfriend has Usaa and said he'd put it on his insurance cause it'd be way cheaper but can we put the car in his name if I'm the one getting the loan?



Cheapest car insurance please?

hey i hope some1 can help me out. i am 22 years. i recently passed my driving test, on the 21/07/2009. i also bought a car honda civic. 1.4l i am looking for the cheapest car insurance possible. because i am full time student. and work part time. i wouldnt be able to afford paying 2000 annually. please if some1 knows where to get cheap car insurance for new drivers, would be very appreciated cheers



How much will it cost to insure my printing company?

I am doing a project for school and we are starting up a photo/poster printing business. Before I try reaching out to various insurance companies, I was wondering if anyone knew a ballpark figure of how much insurance would be? thanks



Cheapest Scooter Insurance for 16 year old?

I just turned 16 and want to get a scooter The actual license and scooter isnt too expensive 50 for provisional, 89 for CBT, bout 20 for the thory and 60 for practical However, insurance is a pain!! :/ does anyone know who the cheapest insurer is for a 16 year old? I would love to be able to drive on the scooter but insurance is too much. Also, what is the best scooter to get. By best i mean a scooter which has the cheapest insurance? THanks a lot!!



Car Insurance Groups?

What Insurance Group would a Ford KA (02 Reg) Collection be? And also what Group would a Ford StreetKA be?



Rover75 rear hit by a 4x4. Garage says not repairable what do I do? how much will the insurance pay?

The 4x4 damaged the rear end of my Rover 75, impossible to shut boot and lights not working. The garage and insurance now say it is not repairable. - but even after the accident, the car was driving perfectly. How much will the insurance company pay? Will they? Is there any way I can get the car fixed?



Best car to get for the cheapest insurance in the UK for a new young driver?

im nearly 17 and looking to start driving, which car would let me pay the least amount of insurance?



I'm roughly 14 weeks pregnant with no prenatal care or insurance. What are my options?

I'm assuming I'm around 14 maybe 15 weeks pregnant & I haven't had any prenatal care nor do I have health insurance. With my first pregnancy I qualified for Medicaid & left the HHS that day with it! This time they have been dragging me around since March, losing things, accidentally deleting files, denying me & then asking me to reapply. All of this over & over again, it's just been very unorganized & stressful. Not to mention I had a meltdown & told them that I NEEDED TO GO TO THE DOCTOR, so please let me know what to do! This was a month ago, they still say things are pending & I could expect to wait 30 more days. This is adding such a tremendous amount of stress to my pregnancy, I just want to see my baby. Are there any other insurance plans for pregnant women? I'm not married, but my fiance has a well paying job. Naturally though, I can't receive insurance through his job until we are officially married. We attempted to make an appointment & self pay, but during that one visit they demanded $600 up front, which we weren't prepared for. I refuse to go to a clinic simply because my last pregnancy was high risk & ended in an emergency C-Section & there were complications & I'm sure this one will be the same, since I ended up getting pregnant before the desired waiting time for a previous c-section. Not to mention, my OB/GYN has been my doctor since I was 13 & he is truly the best where I live. I just wouldn't be able to trust someone else. I live in Texas by the way. Do any of you have any ideas?



Need health insurance?

looking for private health insurance, what are some companies that are affordable? lists of companies and info about them please. Thanks to all who answer =]



G2 Insurance?

I'm working on getting my G2 license, but once I get it, will I have to get insurance? If I'm not driving, nobody would ever know that I don't have insurance, right? I want to have my license so that when I *can* afford insurance, I'll be able to drive.



Cheapest car insurance?

ok so im a 20 year old male, ive had my license for about a year, im about to insure my sisters old minivan, its a 99 siloutte. what would be the cheapest insurance company to go with and does anyone know about how much that would be??



Insurance company is denying me insurance.. can anyone help out?

well i was driving alone on a learners permit, got into an accident where i was not at fault. the insurance company denied the car claim and now they called and said they refuse to cover me unless my ticket is found not guilty. The problem is my court date is in 3 months. Is there any other way i can get insurance coverage?



What would the minimum insurance for a 2008 Ford Ranger truck for someone over 30 w/ a good driving record? Texas. A female. Can you recommend one?



Does car insurance really drop at age 25??

I'm in IL, and my policy renewal is Aug 18th and my 25th birthday is Aug 12th. Can I expect a savings on this renewal from State Farm in IL. No accidents, claims, nothing in 8 years. Or is it a myth that car insurance drops at 25???



About how much would the average insurance run for a 17 year old male driving a sports car it is a mustang?

About how much would the average insurance run for a 17 year old male driving a sports car it is a mustang?



Car insurance help, Private broker or big name company?

I'm currently in the process of renewing my car insurance, and i'm wondering if small privately owned insurance brokers are cheaper than the bigger named companies? I'm 27yrs have a clean license and 2yrs no claims. Shocked at the current prices. Any ideas welcome. Thanks



What is the cheapest car insurance? PLEEASSEE HELPPPP!!?

I have searched around, i'm 18 and male I know it's going to be expensive and it changes daily BUT if there is any companies at all that people know are relatively less expensive than others? would be great :)



How much renters insurance coverage are apartment complexes allowed by law to tell the renter they have to car?

I was told by a apartment complex that I had to have $3,000,000 worth of coverage in my policy. Is this amount allowed by law? I've never heard of such a large policy amount for renter's insurance. BTW, I live in north Texas.


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Approximately how much would Comprehensive car insurance be for these luxury cars?

Im currently doing an assignment where I have to compare running costs of three different cars. I can't get an online quote for comprehensive insurance for these three luxury cars: Let's say the driver is a 30 year old with a perfect history/driving record. BMW 740i (Price: $183,000) Audio RS4 (Price: $187,500) Mercedes CLK-63 AMG (Price: $199,100) How much do you think APPROXIMATELY, the comprehensive car insurance would be for each of these cars? (Annual) AS A GUIDE.



Insurance for young drivers?

My son passed his driving test this week, he is 17.5 yrs old. I phoned our insurance company to let them know and his insurance has now jumped to over 2,000 - this is not including the 951 I had already paid to add him as a named driver when he got his provisional licence. I have been on price comparison websites but all are quoting huge amounts. As he is an A level student and plans on going to University he does't actually drive much. Anyone know what I can do to get the insurance reduced, if not now for in the future when the insurance comes up for renewal. Thank you.



Should I alert my insurance company?

I was recently hit by a drinking driver who ran a light and totalled my car (with injuries to me--soft tissue etc.) I was poking around VA Circuit Court traffic offenses/ online and found out the man that hit me (ran a red light turning left) has a 2 guilty traffic tkts/records I found : 1. tkt for running stop light, 2. failure to yield entering Hwy. I am the 3rd occasion, and he hit me, He was drinking,which he got field sobriety test and breathalizer at the scene because we/the cop and I could smell the alcolhol.He was charged with Reckless. I m going to get a copy of the accident report. I am so angry that this guy was drinking, and has made a habit of doing this! Is this something I can, or should alert my insurance CO about and would it make a difference? I am asking because I am definitly considering hiring a lawyer or takign this man to court as I have no vehicle now,going to P.T, and his is trying to take the rental away,and I don't get any $$ from them till my PT is over with. Its been a frustrating ordeal. So, would it behoove me to alert my insurance co of this info for negotiating on my claim? thanks..all I want is to be able to purchase another vehicle.



How can I get low cost medical insurance?

Hello, I am a single adult with no children, unfortunately I am still not able to afford health insurance, I have heard of medicaid or medicare, but I don't know how to apply for it. I need mental help, I suffer I believe from depression, but am not a doctor so I could be wrong, but still I need help. I am only 25 yrs. old, so if anyone has a suggestion or knows what I should do please let me know. If I have left out important details, email me and ask what you might need to know to hopefully be able to answer. I am very serious and do not need non serious answers, however I thank all of you who have helped in the past and continue to do so.



Which Insurance is better ?

Hi Guys , I'm a beginner in IT industry. let me know which insurance or Tax exemption Payments are better .. LIC, TATA AIG or Kotak insurance or anything else ..



Car insurance switch?

i do have a problem with my current car insurance company processing a cal accident claim , and it wasnt my fault and i did choose to file the claim on the insurance of the person hit my car specially that we both have same insurance company so can i switch my car insurance to another company , and still get my claim or my car fixed with my current insurance company im having problem with ? or i have to stick with this car insurance untill my car fixed , and then switch to another car insurance ?



Paying a full year of homeowners insurance up front out of pocket?

I'm closing next week on my first house and the mortgage guy just informed me that i have to pre pay a full yr of homeowner insurance up front out of pocket. Others are telling me that this is usually included in the closing costs. In my case the owners are paying all closing costs. This was never disclosed to me and now I have to come up with an additional $1,000 that could have went towards new appliances that the home needs. Anyone else have any idea if I can include in the closing costs?



Are there any penalties for tricking your car insurance company?

My friend has been living & working in NYC for the past 5 years, but she's been telling her car insurance company that she never moved from Georgia to keep paying low rates and she never changed her driver's licence from Georgia to NY. But she drives her car here in NY every day so how did she manage this? If they found out would she get fined or anything?



Anyone have Healthy families insurance in California?

I'm 12 weeks pregnant and have a high deductible kaiser insurance plan. I have a feeling I will end up paying 4500 (my out of pocket max) to give birth. Anyway, I recently found out I qualify for Healthy families insurance for me and the baby, so I applied and waiting to hear back. Just wondering if anyone has their own insurance in addition to healthy families? I wasn't sure if I could have double coverage to get help with the deductible... It's too late for me to change my plan because open enrollment at my work has already passed



Is there a dental insurance available for the self-employed?

I am a at home caregiver and I need a dental insurance that is affordable and covers most procedures...please help



What color vehicles are the cheapest for insurance?

What color vehicles are the cheapest for insurance?



Is it true that I am paying taxes to directly to Allstate Insurance now?

Sure sounds like the Chief Justice said so.



HHEELLLPP!!!!! with TEEN car insurance!!!!?

I would like to either add a 17 year old to an insurance policy or get one specifically for him..... i called geico, but they said they dont insure teens!!! What can i do? THANKS



How much is insurance for an 18 year old male?

I turn 18 on the 24th and my aunt and uncle are giving me their mustang. Its a 2000 ford mustang.. Anyways, they are actually putting it in my name. But before i lived with them, i was paying only liability and that was 200 a month. Does anyone know how much full coverage would be? Just wondering so I can know what to expect on car insurance cost.



How much is it going to cost to add a new 18 year old driver to car insurance?

my mom said its going to cost about 200 bucks a month. thats too much. >_< i live in california.



How much should I expect to get from my insurance company?

My car was totaled off. It was a 96 Suzuki Esteem. It was rebuilt after a previous total loss. Its in decent condition externally and it ran fine until the most recent accident. There is however a small hole in the front bumper from where I hit a hitch of a truck. They have deducted 600$ from what they are willing to pay me for my car. I understand that this question is probably pretty vague, but I'm not looking for a very specific answer. Just an idea of what I should be expecting back.



Where Do I Find Quotes For Non-Owners Auto Insurance?

I Need It Cheap, Fast, And In Denver,CO.!!!!!!!!!!!!



What is the cheapest insurance for a teenager? --or ways to make incurance cheaper?

I live in Southern California, and I will be turning 18 next month, 2 days before I need to buy my next insurance policy. I have had my license since the day I turned 16 (I took drivers ed then got my permit for 6 months then my license). I have had no accidents or tickets or have even been pulled over. I am driving a '04 F-150 and making payments on it. I do get the good student discount. What are some cheap insurance companies? Or ways to make your rate cheaper?



Will getting quote for Insurance affect my credit?

I am trying to switch to an insurance company with cheaper rate, so I have to get quotes from several. I am wondering if it will hurt my credit if everyone check my credit using my SSN? soft inquiries just like when I pull out my credit report?



CAR INSURANCE~with points?

if someone has 2 or more convictions on there licence, they have to declare thses, but is there a car insurance company that does not take theses convictions into account ? long shot i know but ya never know.... points were for exceeding 30 mph (34) and 50 (59) lectures please.....



USAA auto-insurance discounts?

Does anyone out there have USAA for car insurance who ALSO has banking through USAA? I've been told by USAA that if I did have banking with them that I'd get a discount on auto insurance as well, but they can't tell me any specifics as to how much of a discount. If it's only gonna save 10 dollars or something I'm not gonna mess with it. Anyone out there able to tell me a decent estimate on how much I might save or how much they save?



Best/Cheapest car for 18 year old? (uk)?

hi i am a male 18 year old, university student I passed my test in August 2009. Im looking to get insured on june 1st 2010 Im looking to buy a car which would give me the cheapest insurance possible. Budget for car = 700 budget for insurance = max 1500 a year this is excluding mot and tax ....those can be paid for easily



Is an audi a3 cheap to insure for a new driver?

I came across a forbes article that said that the audi a3 was the chepaest car to insure and this seemed a bit strange to me. Is it true? If not any advice on a good car for a new driver for under 10 grand? I really have a strong preference for vw.



Car insurance?????????????????

i just got a quote from adrimal car insurance... and im going on through someone elses insurance..... i have been driving for a month and there quote was 658 a year.... around 54 a month.... the car is a saxo 1.6 8v is this quote good? thanks x



Why buy license plates, register car, and car insurance when I saved $3,000?

Only suckers buy license plates, register car, and car insurance ( which I canceled :) after I got my license ) which I save over $3,000 a year on. I could careless if I crash my car I bought for $350 it is a junker ( which will probably die in the next three months ) and I could just run away without paying a thing. I already have saved over $5,000. CAR INSURANCE DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE UNLESS YOU CAN'T DRIVE.


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Does anyone know any really cheap car insurance companies for old cars?

I have an R Reg Corsa 1 Litre, and 6 years no claims, but it seems to be the age of the car that's bumping up my insurance policy? HELP!



Good, cheap auto insurance?

Need good cheap auto insurance. Can someone recommend me to one and/or some? Im talking cheap as in $30 per month or lower cheap. Thanks!



NCAP rating effect on car insurance.?

I'm looking to buy a car and noticed that some of the models I favour, such as Ford Puma; Vauxhall Tigra, have not been crash tested by NCAP. Does a car which has not been crash tested by NCAP necessarily attract higher insurance premiums?



Car insurance for a 16 year old in ny?

Hey guys I just got a 2001 Dodge Intrepid SE how much will it be to get insurance and who would take a 16 year old?



How much could motorcycle insurance be for a teen in California?

My mom has geico, how much could it possibly cost for insurance? and I'm also a good student, so can't I get the good student discount? and my mom also has a great driving record.



Whats up with renter's insurance?

is there home insurance for apartment dwellers?



Health insurance for individual?

Trying to find the best plan for myself. I am 30 yr old female self employed. I have an ok job right now so a high premium is not going to work. But I am fairly healthy and never really go to the doctor. I guess I need insurance for those what if moments that I hope never happen. Also I live in Pennsylvania. This is what I have found the HMO premiums are just too high but none have deductibles. The PPO plans all have deductibles but the premiums are lower. PPO Deductibles $2500 cost $188 a month,20% coinsurance $5000 cost $164 a month, 20% coinsurance PPO Advantage Deductibles $1500 - $142 a month, 20% coinsurance $2500 - $120 a month, 20 coinsurance Right now I'm leaning towards the lowest deductible advantage plan at 1500 @142 a month and a 3000 out of pocket max. It seems reasonable all the preventative care, primary and specialist are all copays w/out deductibles so say I never go tot he hospital I'm basically just paying a monthly premium and the copay. My issue is I have gone uninsured before and knock on wood nothing happened never even needed to use a cvs minute clinic. But as I approached 30 I realized maybe I should get health care for myself just in case. I do have the !500 set aside in an account that was supposed to be a splurge fund for vacation but now it may also just be a medical fund. Anyways, based on the above all co-pays are $30 and $50 for specialist. Do they sound reasonable?? Insurance is so hard to understand *sigh*



Will the insurance payment be higher if?

Will the car insurance be higher if theres two drivers instead of 1?



Where can I find affordable dental insurance?

I am 24 years old, full time student with no job. I am need of dental work ASAP. They are trying to charge me over $2,000 for extracting 4 wisdom teeth and i cannot afford it.



Car insurance, and registration in illlinois.?

hey. i was wondering how much would the avg price be for car insurance for an 89 acura legend 2 door for a 17 year old boy? and how much would it be to register a vehicle in the state of il? also are there any places near or around chicago that sell reposed vehicles. answer to either questoin will be very much appreciated.



Affordable health coverage? Is there such a thing?

Single, living in NYC and I'n looking for a health insurance plan that has a good pharmacutical co-pay and doctor coverage. Can some of you let me know what plan you are on that is somewhat affordable? Thanks!



Can a person that is temporarily non-UK tax resident to be the policy holder in her own car insurance policy?

In May this year , my wife got a job in a joint venture abroad. Her contract is for 3 years after which she will return home Due to obvious reasons , for the above period she is a non-UK tax pay resident. The insurance policy of the car she is the owner and policy holder of is about to expire very soon. Is she legally allowed to renew her policy as main policy holder or not?



Car insurance help needed?

I'm 16 and a male and I need to find out how much insurance would cost on a 2000 Monte Carlo SS. I heard that pod grade help so I have roughly a 3.3 GPA in HS



Is there a loop hole in motorcycle insurance?

I'm going to finance a motorcycle at a dealership. I know I will need full coverage insurance, and being I first time rider it will be expensive. My question is, can the dealership find some loophole through the system to make insurance cheaper? I live in california



B Average for Car insurance Discount?

Is 84.86 considered a B average in the eyes of the insurance company? My school doesn't give grades on a 4 point scale- only the percentage



What will happen if I don't sign up for covered california health insurance?

I live in ca, I don't have healthcare and I am eligible for covered ca health insurance. What will happen if I don't sign up for it? Do I have too? Will I get in trouble if I don't?



Question about auto insurance?

Okay, I'm really stupid when it comes to this stuff, so don't laugh at this. I have a vehicle insured under my name. If my friend is driving it, would she be covered whether I'm present or not? Does it matter at all if she has her own auto insurance?



I need a site where I can compare health insurance quotes from the top companies. Any help will be appreciated?

Health Insurance Quotes Needed Online...



Which company provied better mediclaim insurance?

Which company provied better mediclaim insurance?



$100 month car insurance is that a good deal ?

$100 a month car insurance is that a good deal ? 16, i have no drivers license yet ( still getting it in a month) i dont know if he included the good student discount (i don't think that i'm a good student, although i'm in college)



How much car insurance will cost?

i m 28 year female. i bought a used car for $3000. i have new G2 driving licence which i got last month.i have driver trainning certificate too. can someone please tell me how much my car insurance will be? i tried quote online, but i m not getting correct amount. please some one give me a average monthly payment that would cost?



Does anyone realize that by making health insurance mandatory, your insurance premiums will skyrocket?

just like car insurance premiums have? And when premiums skyrocket, everyone will be moving to the cheaper government run policy. If the government really cared and wanted to bring costs down, they would get out of bed with the specdial interest groups such as malpractice lawyers and PHARMA and reform these things.



Whats a good health insurance company?

I'm on my dad's insurance until I'm 25. I'm now pregnant and my insurance doesn't cover the baby. What's a decent health insurance that is reasonably priced and good for me and my baby?



In general, how much does car insurance go up if you add a 17 year old male to your policy?

I'm 17, I Just got my lisence. I'll be driving a 1994 nissan pathfinder, roughly, how much should the car insurance go up for my dad to get full coverage on the pathfinder



California New Driver Law penalty?

My son just got his drivers license in California. I'm trying to get him to understand the penalty of driving with other kids in the car, when he's not allowed to. Does anyone know the penalty for doing so? How much is the ticket, what it could do to his insurance, etc.? Thanks everyone


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What happens if I'm driving someone else's car and it doesnt have insurance?

I have insurance but the car I was in doesn't. Is there a way out of this?



What is the CHEAPEST Motorcycle Insurance?

I want to buy a fairly new 02 or newer used Crotch Rocket. I have had 3 tickets 2 in 2008 & one in 09 for speeding you know 65 in a 50 stuff like that. Well my insurance will only drop from this point as I have driven the Speed Limit Respectively & will continue to. Well I called my State Farm agent about it & they said it would cost over 400$ a month that is WAY TO MUCH How can I buy a bike & save A LOT on insurance whats the best company? Any advice would be appreciated I turn 20 On July 11th. Please help me I am sick of my car I want a BIKE!



Will the eclipse GSX make my insurance more than the GS?

Ive been trying to to see if the insurance is cheaper on the GS than the GSX because i dont want to get ripped just because it has a turbo. But i also dont want to buy the GS and then have to buy a whole bunch of new stuff just to put a turbo on it.



Car insurance!!!! HELP?

Hi i have just rung up Diamond car insurance to find out the cost of getting some car insurance and paying monthly! they said i need to pay a deposite of 200 quid and then my monthly payments are 200 quid. In my first month do i pay both the deposite and the monthly payment or just the deposite!??????? xxxx



Florida car insurance question?!?

I'm 16 and have my driving permit, I want to get my license but since the insurance here is SO EXPENSIVE I'm looking for ways to reduce it. I would be put under both divorced parents insurance plans as soo as I got my license. My questions are: 1. If I get my own car, will I still have to go on both parents insurance? 2. What kind of driving school will aid in discounting the insurance, and do you know of any in Jupiter, FL or online? Thanks!



Low Income Health Insurance in Alaska?

I have been asked to find low income health insurance for my parents who live in Alaska. I don't even know where to start. Does anyone know where I might be able to get any information?



Sportbike Insurance...?

Where is a good place to have motorcycle insurance through. My husband is looking into buying a Suzuki gsxr and we are trying to find something cheap or reasonable.



Should I sue Texas for requiring me to buy auto insurance?

After all I'm a good driver, and I'm willing to take your chances that I'll be financially responsible if something unexpected happens. Why should I be forced to take part in the government sponsored mandate to purchase something? What about free enterprise and my freedom to spend or not spend my own hard-earned money? Maybe I could get my case heard by the Supreme Court....



How much is car insurance usually?

and what makes it change? car type and age of owner?



Affordable medical/prescription insurance for a heart transplant recipient.?

I had a heart transplant 10 years ago, and I am looking for a more affordable insurance plan, currently I use Cigna, and they're running me over $400 a month, plus a $50 dollar fee per prescription I am on, which runs me another $250-300 dollars every three months. I just recently graduated college, and am 24 years old, so my father's insurance at work no longer covers me. I'm not very familiar with insurance plans, but I would obviously need one that would accept my pre-exsiting condition of a heart transplant, and have a prescription plan, cover doctor visits, emergency care and anything else people can recommend that would be important. Thanks so much!



Car insurance queries?

A good friend of mine had an accident in another friends car. It was his fault but his insurance company have said his insurance does not cover him as the vehicle he was driving is classed as a car derived van. The insurance company state that the policy only covers third party cover for other motor cars and claim a car derived van is a commercial vehicle. Even though its not used as a commerical vehicle, The vehicle in question is a Peugeot partner 600 and its v5 doc claims calls it a car derived van and it falls in the PLG class. Is this right what the insurance company are saying ?



Car insurance prices 4 ex------?

ex-fenders does any one know a good car insurance for my boyfriend he had a fight 4 years ago and he did not disclose this last year and had hius car taken of him , he did the form to fast on line and did not see the questionon, so ppl in the same boat can u comment and not a busy body who thinks they know it all



Cheap cars and places to get car insurance for 17 year old ?

My 17 year old son has recently passed his driving test, we live in england in surrey and i want to know what the cheapest cars to insure are and what companies are cheapest to insure with?



AAA vs. Farmers for home and auto insurance?

I'm looking to get a combined homeowners and auto insurance policy. Right now, the package that Farmers is offering based on my specs is 10% cheaper than AAA's. Any thoughts? Thanks!



How much cheaper is health insurance in Texas?

Does anyone have data, did Tort reform lower health insurance costs? I mean isn't texas having a surplus or perhaps a surge of doctors since passing such law? Let's prove to the liberals this works by using the facts for a change.



How can I verify if the car I'm driving has insurance?

I do have the VIN# and car info, but there was no insurance papers in car. I also don't have a contact number on the car's owner



How would i go about getting a hypothetical insurance quote?

I haven't even started to learn to drive yet, but just out of curiosity i want to get a rough estimate for insurance for a car that i found, are there any website where i can do this anonymously?



Where do you get the material to study for state insurance test?

Where do you get the material to study for state insurance test?



Why are insurance companies such bastards?

I could never figure out why people screw their insurance companies when they can. Well now I know. They are a bunch of ethic-less, principle-less bastards. So go for it, screw them when you can for all you can. You can be assured they will do it to you first wether you are honest or not.



Hi I'm 25, doing my test soon and I'm going to get my first car soon, looking at online insurance quotes...?

... somehow the quotes show that the pass plus doesn't make any difference with the insurance, do you think I would have to phone the company to sort out the discount? If there isn't going to be a discount is the pass plus still worth getting?



Will my insurance be higher if my car doesnt have airbags?

I'm about to buy a mustang and I know how much insurance will be already, I've talked to my insurance agent and there is a mustang with low miles, and its a nice deal but needs a little work. The main thing it needs is Airbags. Will my insurance be higher because it has no airbags? And how much does it cost to get airbags replaced?



My AAA card says it's expired but my parents are still paying monthly for my car insurance?

My AAA card says: Valid through September 23, 2010. They bought me a new car in July and we are still paying the monthly insurance so why is my card expired? Shouldn't they have sent me a new one?



Umbrella insurance?

instant quotes for the stand alone umbrella insurance in california



I need cheap dental insurance not a discount plan?

I have to get a good cheap dental plan not a discount plan. Where can I get one or what can I do??? I have something that really needs to be taken care of fast.



Scooter insurance for 16 year olds?

I turn 16 this year and wanna start riding a 50cc scooter. I found the one i want, i was wondering the rough cost of insurance on a 50cc moped for a 16 year old on a provisional license in the UK. Thanks Jamie Deeks


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Do you think my car insurance would be high? 2003 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII?

Hii, If i bought a 2003 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII do you think my insurance would be ridiculously high considering I'm 17. Would there be a huge difference in $ if: I was under my parents plan I was listed as a part time driver I have good grades ( I heard insurances give discounts for that) And If I took driving school. I know nobody here can give me an exact answer and your going to say ask you insurance agent but I would like to here some guesses!



How much would car insurance be for a 17 year old girl?

i have a 1999 honda accord. im 17 years old, and i live in california. how much would my insurance be? please help me out?



Court date for driving w.o car insurance, what are my likely outcomes?

I got tagged for driving w.o car insurance in January, now I got a letter in the mail to attend court in a week for the incident. I live in MA where it is illegal to be uninsured and by law your registration also expires as well. I've already been towed and got my car back, now I just have to attend court. Any ideas what's going to come out of this? I have a perfectly clean driving record.



What are the associated costs of adding different types of coverage to auto insurance?

What are the associated costs of adding different types of coverage to auto insurance?



What is the cheapest car insurance?

in Richardson, Texas.



How much is seasonique with blue shield california insurance?

please tell me. i'm on yaz now but four periods a year would be heaven. thanks.



Car Insurance Help? BMW 3 Series?

How much should insurance be on a USED BMW 3 Series Sedan for a 16 year old girl? It wouldn't be fully loaded.



Why is car insurance compulsory here in FL?

I own my car. The cheapest car insurance here (only) covers $10k on damages which is called PIP insurance and it is required by law. If the PIP insurance only covers $10k on damages, and I have more than 10k dollars on my bank account why in helllllll do I have to give my hard-earned money to these moth*rfu(kers? Sorry for my temperament but I need a clear explanation on this. If I am willing to give those $10k to my car insurance which is the only that they cover on damages if I crashed, why wouldn't they accept the dial and stop charging me monthly in my whole life? and return me those 10K when I stop driving? Again, I'll explain it easier. I'd give $10k to my car insurance till I crash. 10K is what they only cover. Why would they charge me every month needlessly? I have never crashed in my life. I have never filled a claim, then why would I have to pay my car insurance when they only cover $10k nothing else. ( I have been driving more than 15 years)



How much is car insurance on a new 911 gt2 Porsche?

I am a 25 year old who recently became very successful in the automotive industry and I decided I wanted to get a Porsche. Now i know about how much it is to keep a Porsche maintained because i have worked on them but i am not sure on the insurance. Please help anyway you can. And for the record i am not getting a quote from any website because i do not feel comfortable giving away personal information to an insurance company before i decide to use them.



Could $5,000 cover the healthcare insurance premium for a family?

If McCain's credit becomes reality, doesn't it seem logical that a major healthcare provider would put together an affordable health insurance package for the credit amount and more



Average cost Motorcycle Insurance?

Hello, Does anyone know the average cost for motorcycle insurance in Arizona?



Father wants to add either wife or daughter on the car insurance policy? Who will be cheaper to add?

Father wants to add a named driver to his insurance policy and wants to add the wife who is 48 years old whom holds a provisional licence. However, the daughter who is 17 (nearly 18) wants to be added as a named driver as she does quite a lot of practising in the car. From the situation would it be the same price for both? or would it be cheaper for the older women. Both have not passed test so wouldn't the insurance policy price be the same for both. I would like to know the difference? or whether it would be the same as both just hold provisional license?



How to significantly lower my car insurance, just got fired, can't afford more than $50 or so a month...?

I'm only 18 and I was just fired from my first job, I worked there for 8 months or so. I still live at home and don't owe any money on credit cards, so my only real problem is car insurance/gas. My parents refuse to help me at all. I currently pay $133 a month in car insurance; I have Statefarm. I've been driving for a year or so and have been in 1 fender bender, my insurance didn't even go up because of it. I've been paying my own insurance for a few months, maybe 6 or so. Is there anyway I can lower my car insurance? One of my friends only pays $80 a month and he's my age. By the way, the car is a 2004, dark blue, not flashy, four door car. If the type of car matters at all. I'm not sure what the $133 a month I'm paying covers, but is there anyway I can pay less and have it cover less stuff? I'm a very safe driver and have never been in any type of accident my entire life (the fender bender was my boyfriends fault -- he was driving my car, not me). I live in Virginia. Is there like a $50 a month option or something that doesn't cover me or the person I hit if I were to get in an accident, and the $50 a month is just so I don't get pulled over and charged with driving without insurance? I need some options because I have very limited funds and I'm not sure how long it will take me to find a new job. Thank you for any help!



What's the cheapest car insurance company you have found??

I just bought a new car--now comes full coverage & plates. It's a 2003 Mazda w/ 18,000 miles. Does the year or the mileage make insurance or plates higher? Do they request tickets for the last 3 or 5 years? You have to have full coverage when making payments right? I'm thinking Geico is the cheapest I've found so far?



Should i get insurance for my first car? Where can i get CHEAP car insurance? I live in Aus.?

Should i get insurance for my first car? Where can i get CHEAP car insurance? I live in Aus. I am looking at buying a s13 non turbo at 11k. when i looked for a quote the minimum was like 5k which i do not have the money seeing as i am going to have to get a loan for my car.



Am I covered under my parents' car insurance?

I am sixteen years old and I will be added to their insurance soon, but in the meantime, am I covered if anything happens? The car is insured under liberty mutual and I do no not often drive their car, but I need to use it to get to school tomorrow. What will happen if I get into an accident with an insured car under my mom's name and not mine?



I got pulled over in my parents car and the insurance wasn't in the vehicle?

Ok I moved out of my parents home a couple months ago and they let me borrow their car for a little while just in case of an emergency, well I asked them if I could drive to see my girlfriend and they said yes so I drive and I get pulled over for speeding and I give the officer my license, registration but my dad forgot to leave the insurance in the car! So I get a huge fine for speeding and having no proof of insurance! And I asked my dad if I was under the insurance and he said no because I don't own a car and I don't live with them so what would be the point? So what I'm trying to ask is will I be able to get the no insurance fine waived even though I'm not under the insurance my parents were just letting my borrow the car?



How much would the insurance be for this car?

Im a 16 year old boy that has not had any law trouble and is a first time driver with really good grades. I take my road test at the first of november. I am looking at purchasing a 2002 Volkswagen Passat GLS and i was wondering how much the insurance would cost on average?



Car insurance?

where can i get the cheapest insurance?



For those 16-18 with a car in your name?

since ill be getting a car soon my parents wants to know how much insurance would cost me for ive been looking around on internet but i think it would be better if it comes from some one around my age what type of car, make you drive what insurance company age, gender, how long u been driving with insurance how much it cost for you each month THANK YOUU



My car insurance was voided in the past, and now I can't get a quote anywhere, can anyone help?!?

When I started learning to drive at 17, I decided to buy my self a cheap car so that I'd be able to get more experience behind the wheel, pass my test quicker and have a car as soon as I passed my test. I was insured on my provisional license with an insurance company which specialised in learner drivers. However, I ended up getting 3 points on my license the week before I passed my test, in what I still think were pretty unfair circumstances. My house doesn't have a drive or a garage and so I had to park my car on the road in front of my house, or on a street round the corner when there were no spaces. As it was my first car I was really excited, and without understanding that I could get in trouble for it, I used to sometimes sit in my car and listen to music with my friends. The week before I passed my test we were sat chatting when a police car came down the road and pulled up behind us. Someone had broken into some allotments nearby and they were questioning us as to if we had seen anything. They searched my car- for tools that could suggest we had done it I presume, and when they found nothing they ran my license and obviously realised I only had a provisional license. I still at this point didn't realise I had done anything wrong, I wasn't driving the car, simply sat in it so I didn't realise I had committed an offence. The police informed me that because the engine was running, I could have been driving or about to drive and on that basis they convicted me for driving without a license. I only got 3 points and a 60 fine due to the fact I wasn't actually driving and at the time I accepted that with relief, I was terrified I'd get a ban or lose my license or get a massively unaffordable fine. I could have appealed but that would have meant going to court and I was only 17 and that terrified me. I declared the points to my insurance company straght away, but due to the nature of the offence my insurance was invalidated and void. I've only just now realised how serious having insurance voided in the past is. I'm supposed to be moving a 5 hours away in a few months for a job, and I have plenty of money saved for car insurance and a car, as without a car, the move is completely unrealistic. Without a car I won't be able to get to work as the hours are unsocial and my job isn't very well connected with public transport at all and so relying on public transport or taxis is simply not an option. I found a car, went to get an insurance quote, and found out that getting insurance is practically impossible when you've had insurance voided in the past. The points don't seem to be a problem, when I tell companies about my points but not about my insurance voided in the past they happily give me a quote. They're expensive, but affordable and it's what I was expecting. However, as soon as I tell them that my insurance was voided in the past they refuse to even give me a quote. I'm completely out of options and I don't know what to do. I need a car, but I can't get insurance as much as I try. I know I was in the wrong, but it seems like the voided insurance is more of a punishment than the points are and surely that isn't right? And the voided insurance will stay with me for the rest of my life, so does that mean that driving will never be an option for me? I'm sorry for the essay, I just really don't know what to do! If anyone's been in a similar situation with voided insurance or know of a company that would insure me then please let me know! Just anything that would help, let me know! Thank you so much in advance and sorry again for the babbling!



How much should i expect to pay for insurance on a ferrari?

Or any other exotic car



Motorcycle insurance cost?

I was in an aciident a year ago it was my fault. I was driving a truck. Now that I'm 21 I want a cruiser such as the boulevard or vulcan, maybe even a shadow. I would like to know will my insurance be high? I don't have a license to drive one yet. I will be taking a class so I can learn the basice then buy a beater to learn to ride better before I get what I want. It will most likely just to get to work and school.



Car Insurance Coverage?

Im doing a report for a class. Lets say that you parked your car in a parking lot for 2 hours or so. When you come back, you notice a dent on you car. Its not bad but you can definitely notice it. In most cases, with standard auto insurance, will the insurance company cover this claim? All responses are appreciated, Thanks



What personal information can be revealed by a car insurance card?

Friend asked me for a copy of my car insurance card, said he needed it for something but didn't tell me what.


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Insurance regulations?

does the commissioner of insurance have the authority to govern foreign producers/ foreign companies. these are business entities that sell insurance in there state but there home office is in another?



Cheap/Affordable Car insurance for a 20 year old Driver?

Hey guys, I've had my license for a couple of months (Just turned 20) and I was wondering where or how I'd be able to get the cheapest possible insurance. Also, is there any ways around it? like putting it under my Dads name lool? Thanks!!



How much is a monthly car insurance in new York ?

I'm leasing a car n I need to know what is the average monthly cost in NYC. Thanks.



How much is insurance for a 16 year old girl with good grades?

Im 16 years old and wanting to get my licence. I have about a 3.4 GPA. And im not going to take drivers ed. I am going to share a car with my parents as well.They have really good credit. With geico. How much will it cost a month?



Roommates car insurance company wants my car insurance info?

My roommate just changed her address told her car insurance provider she moved in with a friend. Her insurance company wants my car insurance info. Why? Do I have to/need to supply this? What are the positives and or negatives to doing this? Could it make my insurance go up? Note: We are not under the same company or policy for that matter. Thanks



Can I add my grandmother to my car insurance?

We live in different cities. Same state. I just live 2 hours away. I am a 20 year old college student. Female. Single. I just bought a newer car. Financed. BEFORE I bought the car I did a estimate on it with my car insurance to see how it would be affected. I can afford the payments but my main concern was my insurance going way up. And of course after buying the car the quoted price online is nothing near what I am being required to pay. So far I have been living on my own for a year. And I have been paying my current policy in my own name out of my own pocket. The car I have now is paid for. I CAN afford the increase in the insurance (its $90 increase) and I do have the option of switching to a different company at the end of my policy in 2 months for one that is only 1/2 the price but of significantly lesser quality. BUT I would rather save the money and use it to get this new car paid off in 6 months rather than the 48 month lease contract. My grandma already has insurance (with a different company). We do not live together but we live in the same state. I am willing to pay for both policies. mine and hers. My question is------>>>> Is there any way I can add her to my policy or jump on her policy to lower my insurance? Just for the 6 month premium so I can get get this car paid off? If so, how? Please no lectures. I work and go to school. I can afford the increase or switch to a different company but I want to avoid all that. I'm Just curious thats all.



Young peoples car insurance?

ok im 17 and i passed my driving test in july but i havent been driving because insurance is too high and i couldnt afford it. So i was holding out for my 18th birthday in jan to see if it went down abit. I have just gone on my weekly check of and for third party f and t its now 2500 (same as always) but when i change my DOB to 6th december 1992 it goes down to 1544 so does that mean when im 18 in jan i should get a qoute with a similar price or will it stay at 2500? cheers



Teen insurance for cars/driving?

I'm not allowed to learn how to drive till I'm 18 but I was wondering about all the costs?Like how much a cheap car would be, how much insurance I'd need/cost, and how much is it to take driver's ed? If I left anything out, please tell me.Help?!



Can i get Health New England Insurance in other states?

I'm thinking about moving to Virginia to be with my boyfriend once I graduate but i was wondering about my heath insurance... I have Health New England from my father, do they only provide it in New England... since it is called 'Health New England' or would i still be able to have it when i went to Virginia??



Ohio moped insurance?

im 14 i have a 1980 puch moped i wanna now the cost per year



18 year old new driver? Best/cheapest insurance companies?(uk)?

18 year old new driver? Best/cheapest insurance companies?(uk)?



What's the best health insurance coverage and best insurance company?

I'd like suggestions on the best top-notch health insurance coverage/ company in the U.S or just in general. I'd also like to know if there are other companies abroad who provide health insurance coverage for U.S citizens. Finally as a young kid just out of college , with first career job, with no health issues what should i be looking at as far as coverage plans and expenses, looking to save money. I had a student health coverage while in schoolm, but it's since expired. Thanks



Unemployment Insurance in California?

I currently receive unemployment insurance. On the check stub it states that my claim expires on 07/2008, although the balance noted on there is less than what I usually receive. I believe its because the 6 month period has ended. My questions is, can I reopen up the claim? Am I still eligible to receive my unemployment insurance until my claim has expired which is 07/2008? I was told that you can claim unemployment insurance for a year, so I don't understand why I only received it for 6 months. I was with my previous employer for 7 years, so it's not like I worked wherever for a short period of time. And I am actively seeking a job, although I have a few expectations so I haven't accepted any offers plus I'm a single mother and I have to work around my parent's schedule cause its way too expensive to leave my daughter at a decent daycare that I can trust. Hopefully someone out there can help me with a few information.



New Insurance coverage?

ok im having a really hard time calling these people and getting no answers. its plain and simple. I have health insurance through my mother. I recently had a baby and i was told he will only be covered for 2 months and after that i will have to get his own coverage. Now the question is this. I want to get my own insurance so he can be under my name, meaning i want to be off the one my parents have me under. is that possible? and if otherwise, would i have to put him under my moms or what?



Do I need car insurance in Florida?

I passed my 4 our class on drugs and alcohol. I'm waiting for my certificate to come in the mail so I can go to the DMV and get my learners permit. Do I need insurance even though I'm not going to be driving my own car? I'll be driving my friends car. Sources? What's the cheapest insurance for a 16 year old male? Name of insurance and cost? Why would I need it if I don't even have a car and I'm driving my friends car?



Impossible to get car insurance, what should I do?

I'm 18 soon and will be wanting to start driving but the cheapest quote i can get is 6000 etc on a 1.0 litre vauxhall corsa, There is no one i can get a policy with as my mum doesn't drive. is there any suggestions? only British people will understand this problem



Broad estimate how much do people think motorcycle insurance would be for a 16 year old?

I live in California



Which is a better career..A realtor or A insurance agent ??

what the average income of a insurance agent?? who makes more money??



Young driver getting a new car, insurance?

Me and my fiance are buying a new car, im 20 and hes 22. Its a 2010 Mazda 3. We already went to the dealership and got a good price on it and even 0% financing. Signed all the papers and now we are looking at getting insurance but its putting us back a little bit. The car is all ready to go but not until we have insurance. Any ideas on good cheap insurance or are we basically screwed?



Whats high mileage for an Infiniti G35?

I'm considering purchasing an infiniti g35. I'm looking at the 2004 and 2005 g35's and the ones in my price range typically range from 60-70k miles. Is this high mileage for an infiniti? How long do these cars last on average? Also I'm 20 years old; would this car have high insurance costs? Thank you!



Where can you find some cheap auto insurance quotes

Where can you find some cheap auto insurance quotes online?



What would car insurance cost in Florida for a 16-year old male with a 2006 Ford Mustang GT?

I am currently 15 years old and I plan on getting my first car next year for my junior year in high school. One car I have just fell in love with is the 2006 Ford Mustang GT that I plan to buy used from a used car dealer. My curiosity has led me to ask what would it cost for car insurance under my circumstances and desires. I only plan to drive to school everyday and sometimes in the weekends. Of course I would need to sign my insurance under my mother's since I'm a minor. How much would this cost for me?



Why did my car insurance go up instead of down after i turned 25?

In November I turned 25 years old. I've always been told the two good things about turning 25 is that I can rent a car for cheaper and I will have cheaper auto insurance. I was excited about this. But when I turned 25, my insurance went up. When I turned 18, my insurance was $80 a mo. I have had insurance since then, I have nothing on my record (never had a speeding ticket, nothing). I've always payed bills on time, and since I was 23 I had full coverage. I've had the same car since I was 23 which is a newer model and nothing has changed with my driving info since I was 23. At age 23 and 24 my insurance went up to $130 a month with full coverage, the same car, nothing on my record, etc... But on my 25th birthday, I went in to renew my insurance. Now since I turned 25, my insurance went up to $210 a month. The woman who gave me my quote said she was unsure why my insurance went up instead of down since I had nothing on my record and I am a valuable customer. She was really confused and has never seen auto insurance go up instead of down when someone turns 25 unless they have something on their record. i payed the price but they are investigating it but as of right now, they don't have any answers. Does anyone know why it went up?



California Insurance with Arizona license?

If i change my California drivers license to an Arizona one, do i have to tell my insurance company? If i do will this affect my policy in any way? thanks!



Question re: insurance premiums and taxes?

I've read that health insurance premiums can be itemized deductions. Any others? What about accident insurance I pay for out of my pocket? I pay for both accident and sickness premiums to the same company and pay for all my policies out of my pocket. Any help is appreciated.


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Is it possible as a british soldier to get american car insurance while posted in germany?

Im posted in germany, serving as a british soldier. Is it possible to get american car insurance for my UK bought car?



Insurance fraud?

someone i know received a LARGE payout from an insurance company for permanent injuries in an accident. It has been settled, and now he does everything, heavy lifting, recreational sports, etc. Since it is settled, as of march of this year, should i not be so upset that it looks like insurance fraud. i pay so much insurance costs that people like this just infuriate me. i was told by others who have the same opinion of him, that once it's settled the insurance company can't do anything. True? thanks for any help/opinions on this matter.



Insurance question for my car?

when i turn 16, if my mom calls and just puts my car under her as driving it, and dont mention that i will be driving, if something happens would i be covered under her policy or would i not be covered since i wasnt one of the names insured. it is alot cheaper to just go under her, but if i got pulled over, or anything happened would i be covered under insurance.



Involved in a car accident with 4 other cars. My car was the last to get hit. Insurance of car that hit me?

does not want to pay and my car is totaled. The first car that provoked the accident ran away. Now the insurance company of the car that hit me does not want to pay for the damages, they claim that their dirver did not cause the accident, even tho he was the one who hit me. I had liability car insurande so my insurance it's not responsible for my damages. I consulted a lawyer and he said nothing can be done in a situation like this. Who should be held responsible in this case? Is there anything I can do legally to get my car fixed or get some sort of settlement to I can buy another car?



Is insurance for a salvage car cheaper?

I am looking to get a 03 Mitsubishi Evo with a salvage title. I am just wondering what it would do to my insurance? Will it be cheaper than if the car had a clean title?



What is the difference between term insuarnce and whole life insurance?

What is the difference between term insuarnce and whole life insurance?



2 speeding tickets in 1 days! USAA insurance. Help Please!?

Ok, so as the title says, i got 2 speeding tickets in 1 day. Yes that was stupid, i know. I am really worried. one is a $205 fine, the other $110 both for speeding 15 mph over. I think it is possible to get defensive driving with one of the tickets because my last ticket was around 2 years ago. Thats the other thing. 2 yrs ago i got in a wreck, my fault and a ticket too + defensive driving. so with all that taken into account. do you think i will get dropped from USAA insurance or how much do you think my rates will rise? Thanks for the help!



Cost car insurance in michigan?

hi im 19 live in michiganand want to get a car. it will be valued at around 8,000-10,000 dollars. how much will the absolute cheapest car insurance be per year. i have never been in an accident or had any tickets. thanks for any responses!!



Who should I trust when it comes to auto insurance?

I am looking for Auto Insurance but want to deal a company I can trust.



How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a 23 yr old?

Impeccable driving record, no tickets, felonies etc... Have a car and I've been driving for 6 1/2 years. My premium with Geico is only $80/mo. I just need a general figure for something with over 600ccs. Thanks.



How to significantly lower my car insurance, just got fired, can't afford more than $50 or so a month...?

I'm only 18 and I was just fired from my first job, I worked there for 8 months or so. I still live at home and don't owe any money on credit cards, so my only real problem is car insurance/gas. My parents refuse to help me at all. I currently pay $133 a month in car insurance; I have Statefarm. I've been driving for a year or so and have been in 1 fender bender, my insurance didn't even go up because of it. I've been paying my own insurance for a few months, maybe 6 or so. Is there anyway I can lower my car insurance? One of my friends only pays $80 a month and he's my age. By the way, the car is a 2004, dark blue, not flashy, four door car. If the type of car matters at all. I'm not sure what the $133 a month I'm paying covers, but is there anyway I can pay less and have it cover less stuff? I'm a very safe driver and have never been in any type of accident my entire life (the fender bender was my boyfriends fault -- he was driving my car, not me). I live in Virginia. Is there like a $50 a month option or something that doesn't cover me or the person I hit if I were to get in an accident, and the $50 a month is just so I don't get pulled over and charged with driving without insurance? I need some options because I have very limited funds and I'm not sure how long it will take me to find a new job. Thank you for any help!



Insurance Cost?

I'm 18 and I have a 3.0+ GPA and I'm a male. I'm looking to get a new 2007 Honda Accord two door manual transmission. I live in California in the L.A. area. Does anyone know the price range of my insurance?



I dont get what to do about car insurance?

Im 16, and ive had my permit since last august, and im gonna go for my license. I lived with my dad, but i have been living with my mom for a while. Im probably going to go on my dads insurance. But, can i drive my moms cars. So my questions are 1. Can I drive my moms cars when if i am on my dads insurance, is there a policy where I can drive other peoples cars? 2. Can I go on my dads insurance if I dont live with him? 3. Im not on any insurance now, I drive with my parents. They are on the insurance and their cars are covered, so do I already have to be covered with just a permit. 4. Im going to use my moms car for the driving test, do I have to be on insurance by then? I know they check for proof of insurance but i dont know if im supposed to be on it. My parents are divorced and I live in illinois and they have different insurance companies.



Car insurance quotes?

About how much would car insurance cost for 16 year old teenage driver in florida. The car would possibly be a 2005 convertible.



Why dont we get a refund from car insurance companys when we dont make a claim?

i pay more for car insurance than i do for house insurance yet my car is worth a fraction of to my house ????



Anyone know insurance groups?

need to know the insurance group dif between a standard 1993 mr2 and a 93 mr2 turbo



How do i find my previous car insurance providers?

all the different car insurances details how can i track them?



How to become an insurance agent in california?

How long does it take and where to go in ca central valley area or bay area anything about this would be greatly appreciated thanks!



Obamacare health insurance rebates?

My school requires a mandatory student health insurance plan and i had this for the last 3 years. With the Affordable Care Act, the Govt. requires health insurance companies to pay back some of the premium it if less than 80% is used on medical care or more than 20% is used on administrative costs. I did not use my health insurance at all during the last 3 years. Will i get get a rebate of some kind? Should i call my school and ask for a health insurance rebate for last year?



Insurance settlement following motorcycle accident - GA?

The accident was ruled the other driver's fault. I had three pelvic fractures, dislocated tailbone, and fractured elbow. My health ins isn't paying, but the med bills have been reduced to the negotiated rate that my ins would normally pay. So my TOTAL OWED is about 2/3's of the initial total. Since pain & suffering is based on med bills times a multiplier, which amount will the ins co use? The larger total or the negotiated total? An attorney told me that this hospital is notorious for requesting the rest of the owed amount after the settlement has been reached, so obviously, I want the most money that I can get (and 13 weeks missed work!) Thanks



How much is car insurance in Vancouver, BC Canada?

Also, the auto plan premium if you are only using the vehicle for school (depending on how far the place is from home), work, shopping, and walking the dog (parks are too far)? I do not live in Vancouver as of yet, but soon will be. I need insurance for my car first.



Health Insurance?

I'm shopping for health insurance and am a bit confused by all the terms,Can someone tell me the difference between HMO's,PPO's,Network's,And Indemnity's and which is better?



Insurance after a crash motorbike!?

My Son has a motorbike crash last month. The police managed to look at CCTV footage and tell me the crash was not his fault. It was the fault of the motorbike in front that swerved in front of him. Anyway my sons bike was insures 3rd Party With no legal cover The bike was so badly damaged it was going to cost over 2k for me to fix it up but 4k to get it looking new. The bike was brand new 4 months ago. I had nowhere to store it so let the garage keep it for 600 My question is as he was only 3rd party where does the claim lie. The insurance company tells me I have no legal cover and they do not seem to be advising me of what to do. Ive heard nothing from them The bike has 4k outstanding on it as a family member loaned my son the cash, which he still has to pay back. What can I do to get some of the cash back for the bike?



Car insurance for a 15 soon to be 16 year old?

so i am looking at getting my first car and so i need to be thinking about car insurance and my grade point average is like 2 something. i have american family. any ideas what their rates would be.??



Whats an estimate for car insurance for an 18 yr. old female?

No prior driving or anything Not in school(if that matters) What would be the best insurance in your opinion?


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17, first speeding ticket, is insurance going up?!?

Got my first speeding ticket and I'm 2 months from being 18. I live in Washington and I'm on my dad's state farm insurance. I was caught 11 mph over the limit (25) and I'm not sure if it was in a school zone but it probably was. The fine is $154. I think my dad's been w/ sf for several years. How screwed am I?? If rates go up even one cent my dad is going to murder me



How much to go on my parents car insurance?

How much would it cost to add an 18 year old girl onto her parents cad insurance? I've never had a crash but only passed last week. Its a 3 or 4 year old Renault scenic



Interest rates for a rental property?

I've been told that I can expect a higher interest rate when I buy a house to use as a rental property than I would if it were a primary residence. What sort of a difference are we talking? 1%? more? less? Also ditto that for insurance. I can only assume that it would be more, but how MUCH more is the question.



Accounting for Insurance Premium that is Financed?

I'm learning bookkeeping. I have some difficulty getting the right balance sheet entries. ABC LLC has their insurance financed by a third party. Which specific balance sheet accounts are involved in this? I'm assuming it's not a Note Payable - Cash relationship and I don't think prepaid exps are involved either. Much appreciated help



Health insurance questions?

I found out that my employer was taking over $800.00 a month for health insurance. When I found out I ask to cancel insurance and get my own. I call the insurance company cancelled it on March 11, 2010 they confirmed it was cancelled. My employer is still taking the payment out of my check. Since my pay period ended for 31 they took another full month of insurance. I have not used this insurance and I can't use it because they cancelled on March 11, 2010. My employer claims it was effective cancelled for April 1, 2010. Can they do that?



High risk health insurance for cancer patients?

I know someone without health insurance who just received word of a lung cancer diagnosis. I know most insurance companies won't take him but does anyone know of one that will, or a website that can point me in the right direction?



Cheap motocycle insurance?

Ive got 1 claim and 1 conviction so finding insurance is hard enough does any one where i can find the cheapest cover for my bike its a 125cc bike and im 18 please help



California Health Insurance. 22 living with parents?

I recently graduated from university and have a job, but don't make that much money. I am currently living with my parents. My dad is 58 and makes 55k-ish a year. My stepmom is 60 and doesn't work. My 24 year old brother makes about 12k a year. Both me and my brother are both in debt from school. I can be on my dad's health insurance plan but it's too expensive. I think he claims me and my stepmom as dependents. What are my health insurance options? Any advice would be great. The more details the better.



Lamborghini insurance price?

please tell me the price of lamborghini insurance. I am looking for a 2009 Gallardo [ cost 220,000 dollars] i am 32 and have a clean traffic record in everything!! dont say theres an old saying if you have to ask u cnat afford!! p.s. i make 500k a year i have been looking for insurance and have an answer just trieng to see what you guys think im not sh*tting you!!



What is the average total cost of learning to drive and a car or suitable respect when your 17?

Including everything like learning, insurance, the test, the car and so on.. I just turned 16 so I was thinking of starting to save up A car that is not embarrassing to be seen in yet isn't to expensive because your only 17:P Thanks if you answer oh and I'm male



How to get health insurance for children.?

I'm trying to find info on getting insurance for a child. Does anyone know how a father that is ordered to provide the health care for his child but does not have custody can apply for programs like CHIPS. No insurance is offered through his job and I'm not sure what programs he can apply for since the child does not live with him. We are in Texas. Any info would help. Btw the mother cant qualify because of the new husbands income.



Health Insurance for stay-at-home Mom & Baby?

I need to find affordable, but good, health insurance for my baby and myself. If my son and I go on my husbands insurance, I'd need a job just to pay for it because it's so expensive! I'm currently working but will be quitting a few months after our son is born. We've decided it would be best if I stayed home to raise our son. So, we need to find health insurance that wouldn't be sky high. Any suggestions? And thanks so much!!



How much do you pay for your car insurance policy evey year, all said and done?

My boyfriend and I are moving to Portland Oregon, and we're trying to get some sort of idea. This is some info that would help us get an idea. How old are you? How many people are on the policy? What type of car(s)? How much coverage? THANKS!



Car Insurance Dilemma?

Hello everyone, I just purchased a new vehicle and gave the old one to my mother. She really needed a vehicle. I decided not to trade it in. The problem is that she can't afford insurance however, if I was to add her to my existing policy, she could afford it. This is the problem, she must be a resident at my house in order to be added. Would they find out if I added her? Would she have a hard time registering the car? Only knowledgeable answers please. Thanks



Can I cancel my fathers car insurance?

He went on a business trip and it was supposed to be for 2 months but it turned out they wanted him to stay a couple months longer. He told me to cancel his insurance so If I return the plates to the DMV in NY with the receipt can I cancel his insurance?



How much do you pay for full coverage car insurance?

i'm 19 and going to buy a car soon but i'm trying to get a ball park figure on how much i can expect to pay



How do I purchase life insurance?

I'd like to purchase a life insurance policy, but have no financial savvy past Google. How do I go about this? What are the pitfalls? Do I need an agent? Any recommended companies? (It would have to be rated at least A- or better by A.M. Best). I'm a twenty-one year old unmarried non-smoking student. I'm in good physical health, though there's some family history of heart disease. No dangerous activities. (It must look odd for me to be checking into this at my age. It's a long story, but rest assured I don't plan on dying anytime soon.) I'd like an affordable policy with a payout of 105,000$ or a little over. Simplicity and good customer service would be nice of course. I'm pretty busy with school as it is. Finally: term or whole? I understand most people think term is the way to go, but considering my youth and good health would I be better off with something permanent? I know I'm going to want to be insured until my eventual (assumedly far-off) demise. Thanks for your time.



Car insurance adjustments

If my car insurance rate has been raised and it is due to the insurance company deciding I am at fault for an accident at which I was not at fault, cann my adjuster decrease the amount if I show I was not at falut?



2006 cadillac cts insurance rate for teens?

i want my dad to give me his car but i wanted to know how much the insurance would be its the base 2006 2.8L cts and its salvaged , so yeah state farm rates would be a +, State of California



Cheapest auto insurance company?

Currently have Geico. paying close to 2k / year for auto insurance (full cover). Can anyone recommend a cheaper insurance company? I have 13 years of driving experience with clean record (not a single traffic violation or speeding ticket)



Anyone know of affordable health insurance that is not a scam?

im in florida - sunrise



How can I get affordable health insurance for my husband and I in the state of Florida?

I am a healthy 23 yr. old and my husband is a stable 32 yr. old.



How can i get a copy of my old insurance card from state farm?

How can i get a copy of my old insurance card from state farm?



Car insurance/old car?

My parents have had this old minivan 2000 Ford windstar since 2001 to current. It is almost defunct- it will take three grand to get back to normal/ run.. Our family doesn't more



Can I have two health insurances?

I am pregnant, and my work covers me but i already have insurance. But only for myself my not baby so I was curious how it all works? I will be getting kicked off my current insurance soon so would my work insurance just take the place of it when that happens? thanks for any help :)


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Can a sprinter Van/Cargo Van converted qualify for RV insurance?

My understanding is that RV motorhome insurance is cheaper than that of a car. What if i own a sprinter van and i convert it into a motorhome, can it qualify for RV insurance? I have zero knowledge in this stuff so bear with me.



How do I calculate my monthly house insurance for my math project?

You will also have to purchase house insurance, which costs a yearly average of 0.3% of the purchase price of your home. Calculate your monthly house insurance. What should I add, divide, and/or mulitply? Thank you for your help!



How much does motorcycle insurance in Texas cost?

I'm 16 and plan on buying a motorcycle and getting my license soon, how much would I pay a month/year?



Affordable car insurance for HORRIBLE driving records?

I am looking for affordable car insurance for a poor driving record. I have never gotten a DUI or anything like that but I have been caught driving without insurance a couple times. I also have had speeding tickets and my license suspended before. Now that I am older, I obviously see the consequences. I am currently insured by Gieco but it is over $450 a month! I am willing to pay up to $200 since I know my driving record is not pretty. Does ANYONE have any suggestions and WHY?



Renewal of car insurance after accident?

I was in a car accident in Oct 2006, I was injured in the accident and still under medical treatment but insurance is now refusing to pay any medical bills and my 6 month renewal is up and I am wondering if I need to renew this because of being in a accident or not. If anyone has been through anything similar like this could you please advise. I was not at fault in this accident and I am waiting to hear from a lawyer. Any Advice? Serious answers only PLEASE!!



Why would young people refuse to sign up for inexpensive health insurance?

Don't they know they will soon be older people in need of affordable health care? Or that community rated affordable insurance depends on a high rate of participation? Why would they want to subvert a system they will soon depend on?



Insurance information for young drivers?

Im 22 years old. I currently on my mom's insurance so that it's cheaper and I recently traded in my other car and got a new one. How much do You think insurnace would cost if I got it on my own. I pay 130.00 now for full coverage? I don't get along with her and I wold perfer not to have her on my title. I was told I needed to have her on my title in order to be under her insurnace?



Where can I get some cheap health/maternity insurance?

My husband and I have been talking about wanting to have a baby. He missed his enrollment period (again) at work and isn't eligible until September 2008. I looked into individual, but it is SO expensive.



Car insurance estimate dispute?

I recently was bumped into in my parking lot and am trying to settle with their insurance company for how much the repair fee would be. I took it to one place and it was around $2100 with damage to both the front and back door (they said the front door would need to be replaced). I spoke with their insurance company and they said I needed to take it to their place to have an estimate. I took it to their place, and the guy asks me if I was going to have it repaired their or somewhere else. I told him I would get it repaired somewhere else, which meant I would get a check he told me. He inspected it and told me that there was a 50-50 chance it would need to be replaced on the front door so his estimate was only for $1300. He said if I go get it fixed and they say it is more, that their insurance will pay the difference. This sounded to me like they are trying to say if you want the cash you only get $1300. What should I do? Should I try to negotiate with their insurance company for the difference or get more estimates that say I would need the new door? I would like the check, but I feel like I am getting ripped off since it would take more to actually fix it more than likely.



HELP!! IM 19 i need a very cheap car insurance?

hi i recieved a BMW compact 02 plate car as a gift, and i was really happy but now im really upset because i cannot find any cheap car insurance, i quote all the time and the lowest price i get is 5200 for a year and monthly instalments of 468, i wonder where in their brain do they they think i can pay that every month, i work and pay my rent, sky, internet, gas, tax, credit card etc. what must i do i cant afford to pay 468 more on bills. can you please give me websites which can help, and please dont leave any rude comments because i really cant be bothered for u wasting your time , THANK YOU



Cheapest Car insurance in New Jersey?

Looking for cheap car insurance companies in New Jersey.



Which has cheaper auto insurance: 2012 Hyundai Elantra GLS or 2012 Honda Civic?

This is regarding all auto insurance companies. Also, why is it that not a lot of Hyundai dealers in the Los Angeles area have the 2012 Elantra in their New Inventory, they only have 2011 in stock :S Does anyone else have this problem also?



If I borrow my friend's car for a day...? insurance?

I need to borrow my friend's car for a day. I'm wondering about the insurance since my name isn't on there and borrowing it for a day. What happens if i get into a car accident??



I just got a speeding ticket how much will insurance go up?

Im 18 i was speeding to get to school, 50 in 35... The ticket was worth 50 dollars, i pay 1200 a year for insurance and i was wondering how much it goes up, and my insurance company is farris insurance in Hickory NC, and my sister works there.



Where to find a Company for Affordable Individual Health Insurance Quote?

I know there are many places, but please fell free to recommend me affordable individual health insurance quote



Is there a good/cheap motorcycle insurance where you can pay like $100 for a whole year?

I'm a college student...don't have loads of cash to pay insurance every single month. Anyone have motorcycle insurance like that or know anything about it. Or something similar like pay $50-100 every 5 months or so....something like that NO RUDE COMMENTS PLEASE As always thanks in advance



How can I lower my car insurance if it is high because of bad credit?

I have been told that my car insurance is high because of a bad credit rating. I am currently enrolled in a DMP to pay down some credit cards and I'm sure this is why it is so bad. Will any insurance company work with me to lower my rate? I currently have GEICO insurance bc it was the lowest I could find. I lease my car and always make my car and insurance payments on time.



Hai, i need to go to Muscat by car is it possible to get insurance from hatta border for this car which is registered under my friend's name?

Hai, i need to go to Muscat by car is it possible to get insurance from hatta border for this car which is registered under my friend's name?



I need car insurance, but have a terrible driving record right now. Any suggestions?

How can I get coverage at a decent rate when I have a crappy driving record?? Ive called about 4 different companies, the lowest rate i found was $209 a month for 6 months. I have 7 points on my record currently!! I cannot get insurance through my parents and i am not married so basically I'm screwed...or I should look into paying a driver to cart my butt around.



What's happens if i get caught driving without insurance?

Im 18 i have a VW golf MK2 GTI 1988 cost me 2000, but to insure it is 5000 a year which i cant afford, what happens if i get caught driving without insurance.



How much do 22 year olds pay for car insurance?

How much do 22 year olds pay for car insurance?



Car insurance help :(?

would your insurance go up after you graduate high school?



Insurance rates????

my insurance is way too high...I have insurance with a nationwide company....and I have to have full coverage because I'm financing the vehicle. My question is..where can I go to find some cheaper insurance? I heard that smaller companies around where you live usually offer cheaper rates? Is this true?



What does estate mean in life insurance?

if someone has life insurance and does not have his/her spouse as the benificiary but has estate as the benificiary what does this mean?



How much is average tenant insurance?

I'm doing this project for school and I have to pretend I'm renting a house for the first time so i need to figure out all the costs and stuff. What would be the average price/month for tenant insurance? if it helps, i live in BC, Canada.


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